水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

抽水俠Ben Sir醒你慳水小貼士 Water Saving tips from Word Jacker (Ben Sir) 為使節約用水的訊息更具吸引力,提高市民的慳水意識,名人歐陽偉豪博士( Ben Sir )寓教於樂,設計一系列 可應用於日常生活的節水小貼士,並透過社交媒體、網站、出版物和戶外場地等不同渠道推廣,以不同的 媒界傳揚節約用水的訊息。 To enhance the appeal of the water-saving messages and raise public awareness of water conservation, a suite of water-saving tips for different daily life applications using edutainment approach are designed and promoted by the popular celebrity Dr AU YEUNG Wai-hoo (Ben Sir). The following features the highlights of various water conservation messages in multimedia formats that are broadcast in different communications channels covering social media, website, publications and outdoor spots. 82 水務署 二零二零至二一年年報 我們的社區 Our Community