水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

「滴滴遊蹤深導行」參觀活動 "Excursion with Water Save Dave" Visiting Programme 自二零一九年舉辦「滴滴遊蹤深導行」參觀活動以來,活動致力讓公眾透過導賞團形式到訪水務署水塘和 濾水廠等不同水務設施,加深公眾對水資源的認識,鼓勵大家響應共同保障後代獲得水資源的機會。 今年,我們增設大埔濾水廠為參觀地點之一,使活動內容更豐富。導賞團共設三個主題,共七個參觀點, 藉此讓參加者以互動的方式,更了解水務署的日常運作、供水基礎設施的錯綜複雜的動態,以及個人和集體 為何須要節約用水的原因。基於二零一九冠狀病毒病疫情的限制和具挑戰的情況下,我們取消了二零二零至 二一年度的所有個人和團體導賞團。 Established since 2019, the “Excursion with Water Save Dave” Visiting Programme aims to raise public knowledge about water resources and encourage their collective efforts to protecting our water resources for future generations via a guided tour of the WSD’s various waterworks facilities including reservoirs and water treatment works. This year we enhanced our programme with an additional visiting location of our Tai Po Water Treatment Works. Under the Programme which comprises of three thematic topics with a total of seven visiting locations, participants could learn more through an interactive mode about the daily operations of the WSD, the complex dynamics of our water supply infrastructure, as well as the reason for conserving water both at individual and collective levels. With the restrictions and challenging environment due to the COVID-19 epidemic, all the guided individual and group tours were cancelled in 2020/21. 參觀地點: Visiting locations: 船灣淡水湖 Plover Cove Reservoir 萬宜水庫 High Island Reservoir 大潭水務文物徑 Tai Tam Waterworks Heritage Trail 九龍水務文物徑 Kowloon Waterworks Heritage Trail 牛潭尾濾水廠 Ngau Tam Mei Water Treatment Works 馬鞍山濾水廠 Ma On Shan Water Treatment Works 大埔濾水廠 Tai Po Water Treatment Works 導賞主題: Guided tour themes: 我們的水資源 Our Water Resources and Nature 水務文物徑 Waterworks Heritage Trails 食水處理與質量控制 Fresh Water Treatment and Quality Control WSD Annual Report 2020/21 83 Our Community 我 們 的 社 區