水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

The poster design competition is one of the suggested activities under the “CherishWater Campus” Integrated Education Programme focusing on themes such as “Water Conservation”, “Prevention of Leakage”, “Recycled Water”, “Conservation of Water Resources”, “Water and Life”, “Cherish Water Campus” etc. Participating schools are encouraged to organise competitions to educate students about water resources and water conservation. The following entries are examples of creative poster designs collected from the participating schools. 海報設計大賽,是「惜水學堂」綜合教育 計劃的重點推介活動之一。活動以「節約 用水」、「防止滲水」、「循環再用水」、 「珍惜水資源」、「水與生命」、「惜水校園」 等主題,鼓勵參賽學校自行舉辦比賽, 藉以教育學生珍惜水資源和節約用水。 以下是幾張從參與學校收集而來極具創意 的參賽海報作品。 除了幼稚園和小學,我們也鼓勵全民 Apart from kindergartens and primary schools, we encourage every 參與,管理及減少用水和用水流失,並且 citizen to manage and reduce water use and loss, and join our cause 身體力行,教育年輕一代及其家人(包括 in educating the younger generation and their families (including 外籍家庭傭工)節約用水,帶領智慧用水 foreign domestic helpers) in conserving water and leading a water- 的生活模式。 wise lifestyle. 新界婦孺福利會基督教銘恩小學 - 潘卓賢老師 Mr POON Cheuk-yin, Teacher of NTWJWA Christian Remembrance of Grace Primary School 我校所舉辦的「惜水學堂」活動,涵蓋探索、實踐和延伸部分。各級學生除了在校內透過課堂 互動活動和主題講座來認識水資源外,他們更在家居、商場和食肆實地考察,分析收集得來的 用水數據和其他相關資料,反思節水的重要性。 The activities organised by our school have incorporated exploration, practice and other learning experiences. Through the programme, students from different grades learn more about water resources by completing interactive activities in class and participating in themed talks. They have also performed research at homes, shopping centres and restaurants to collect and analyse water usage data, which enabled them to reflect on the importance of water conservation. WSD Annual Report 2020/21 85 Our Community 我 們 的 社 區