水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

Concerted efforts and collaboration are critical drivers to inspiring wise use of our water resources and addressing the growing water risks. During the year, we built partnerships and provided support in various community activities to widen our reach to all walks of life and amplify our messages on water conservation and safety. 要推動精明利用水資源,以及應對與日 俱增之水資源風險,同心協力是當中的重 要關鍵。在這一年裡,我們與不同團體建 立合作關係,支持各大社區活動,使節約 和安全用水的訊息能深入社會每個角落。 同心協心 推動行動 FOSTERING SYNERGIES TO INSPIRE ACTION 我們今年與愛德基金會(香港)攜手合作,舉辦 第十屆「活水健步行」。參加者可自己選擇適 合的時間和地點,邁步健行。活動籌集逾 47 萬 港元善款,用於為尼泊爾、緬甸和斯里蘭卡 農村的乾旱地區,建設安全食水和衞生設施。 正值二零一九冠狀病毒病疫情爆發的情況下, 這些必要設施更能發揮作用。 Co-organised with the Amity Foundation for the 10th year, this year’s event was conducted with participants arranging their own walks at time and place of their choice. Over HK$470,000 was raised to build safe drinking water and sanitation facilities for rural water- deprived regions in Nepal, Myanmar and Sri Lanka, which are most needed in light of the COVID-19 epidemic. 由香港貿易發展局主辦的國際環保博覽, 主題為「創科減碳 • 共建循環經濟」, 我們透過網上展覽攤位介紹水塘的浮動 太陽能板發電系統。 Organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council with the theme “Green Innovation for a Circular Economy”, the initiative was supported by us with a virtual exhibition booth introducing our floating solar power system at impounding reservoirs. 活水健步行 2020 Walk for Living Water 2020 2020 國際環保博覽 Eco Expo Asia 2020 86 水務署 二零二零至二一年年報 我們的社區 Our Community