水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

我們參與由創新科技署舉辦的「創新科技嘉 年華 2020 」,推廣「智管網」和「自動讀錶 系統」的智慧供水基礎設施,以鼓勵公眾 一起應對用水流失問題。 We participated in the InnoCarnival 2020 organised by the Innovation and Technology Commission and promoted our smart water supply infrastructure “Water Intelligent Network and Automatic Meter Reading System” with a view to encouraging the public to jointly tackle the water loss problem. 我們加入成為環保促進會的支持機構, 致力提倡綠色生活。約 80 個品牌以「綠色 商店」或「綠色食肆」的身份參與其中。 另有 160 多家企業簽署「綠色承諾」,在 辦公室和工作場所實施綠色措施。 Participating as a supporting organisation, we joined the Green Council to advocate green living. Approximately 80 brands participated as “Green Shops” or “Green Restaurants”, and over 160 corporates joined the “Green Pledge” to implement green measures at offices and workplaces. 創新科技嘉年華 2020 InnoCarnival 2020 香港綠色日 2020 Hong Kong Green Day 2020 WSD Annual Report 2020/21 87 Our Community 我 們 的 社 區