水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

周世威工程師在國際性會議上分享經驗。 Ir CHAU Sai-wai shared experience in international events. WSD Annual Report 2020/21 89 Our Global Network 放 眼 世 界 第二屆粵港澳大灣區水務論壇 2 nd Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Water Forum 這一年一度的論壇,為大灣區的水務企業 This annual forum provided a common platform for water utilities in 提供交流平台,藉以探索合作機會,並 the Greater Bay Area (GBA) to explore collaboration opportunities, 交流供水和污水管理方面的創新理念和 exchange innovative ideas and the latest technologies in water and 最新技術,以促進大灣區水務行業的持續 wastewater management, and foster the continued development of 發展。 the GBA's water sector. 論壇於二零二零年十一月十七至十九日於 The forum was held in Guangzhou from 17 to 19 November 2020, 廣州舉行,主題為「創新 • 發展 • 共贏」。 under the theme “Innovation • Development • Success”. Our team 我們的團隊在論壇上分享如何以「設計 participated in sharing our experience in adopting design thinking 思維」構建節約用水策略、 B I M 技術在 approach to develop water conservation strategy, and integrating 工程生命周期的應用,以及水質管理和 Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology into project 用水流失管理。 lifecycle, water quality management and water loss management. 國際水利與環境工程學會85周年峰會 IAHR 85 th Anniversary Summit 此峰會於二零二零年十二月十四至十七日 Over 80 respected experts attended this summit held physically in 在北京及線上同步舉行,逾 80 位具份量的 Beijing as well as virtually from 14 to 17 December 2020 to give 專家出席,內容包括具前瞻性的講座、主題 vision talks, keynote lectures and technical reports. Ir CHAU Sai-wai, 演講和技術報告分享。水務署副署長周世威 Deputy Director of Water Supplies shared in the global summit 工程師在峰會上分享香港的可持續水資源 about Hong Kong’s sustainable water management initiatives. 管理策略。 國際水協會二零一九冠狀病毒病 IWA COVID-19 Webinar 網上研討會 二零一九冠狀病毒病疫情對水務機構構成 The COVID-19 pandemic has posed increasing pressure on the ability 的壓力日益增加,影響其供水服務、污水處理 of water utilities to provide water and wastewater services as well as 及排放服務,以及為濾水設施運作帶來風險。 risk to water treatment operation. 水務署副署長周世威工程師於二零二零年 Invited as the key speaker in the webinar held on 29 April 2020 四月二十九日應邀出席網上研討會「二零一九 themed “COVID-19: The Regulators’ Response”, Ir CHAU Sai-wai, 冠狀病毒病:監管機構的回應」,分享在 Deputy Director of Water Supplies shared the WSD’s experience in 疫情下水務署如何確保可靠及優質的供水, ensuring reliable and quality water supplies during the crisis and his 以及對未來緊急應變準備和規劃的看法。 views on the readiness and planning of contingency response in future. 這個由國際水協會舉辦的網上研討會吸引 Organised by the IWA, the webinar was attended by water 了來自世界各地的監管機構、研究和科學 professionals from regulatory agencies, industry research and science 團體的水務專業人士參與。 communities across the world.