水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

Ir LO Kwok-wah, Kelvin, JP Director of Water Supplies 盧國華工程師 太平紳士 水務署署長 WSD Annual Report 2020/21 9 署 長 的 話 Director's Statement 凝聚各界力量 共創惜水未來 JOINING HANDS TO SHAPE A WATER-WISE FUTURE 要將香港打造成智慧用水城巿,我們必須 It takes the collaborative actions by all parties, including our staff, 凝聚各界力量,與我們的員工、業界和 practitioners and our customers, to realise the vision of building 客戶同心協力實現這願景。 Hong Kong into a water-wise city. 為了讓我們的員工能更全面地掌握所需的 To better equip our staff with the essential skills and knowledge to 技能和知識,以應對瞬息萬變的世界所帶 navigate challenges in the fast-changing world, we are progressing 來的挑戰,我們正積極籌備於二零二一年 with the establishment of a virtual academy “WSD AQUA-DEMY” 九月成立虛擬學院「水務專業學院」,旨 for launch in September 2021. The WSD AQUA-DEMY will provide a 在以系統化的方式提升員工的學習經驗, structured approach to enhancing our staff learning experiences and 並鼓勵職場知識共享。此外,我們亦致力 fostering knowledge sharing in the workplace. We also endeavoured 透過參與網上會議和研討會,在疫情期間 to stay connected with our regional and international counterparts 與海內外國際同業保持聯繫,以探索與 despite the epidemic via online participation of conferences and 精明供水管理相關的創新科技和最佳實務 webinars, aspiring to explore the latest innovations, technologies and 方案,並藉此分享心得及解決方案,與 best practices of wise water management, as well as to contribute 其他智慧用水城市達致優勢互補。 insights and solutions for adding value to the work of many other water-wise cities. 我們在減少用水流失方面不遺餘力,當中 As one of our continued efforts in combating water loss, we have 包括與香港建造學院等多個機構合作,為 been working in collaboration with various institutes, including the 測漏從業人員建立培訓和認可資歷制度, Hong Kong Institute of Construction, in developing training and 以進一步提升他們的測漏能力。此外, qualification system for leak detection practitioners with a view 我們亦致力爭取私人樓宇的業主和物業 to further enhancing their capabilities in leak detection. We also 管理人的支持,透過向他們提供建議和 enlist the support of property owners and management agents 支援,協助盡早處理私人公用水管用水 of private buildings to curb water loss in private communal water 流失的問題。 mains through providing advice and support to them for prompt rectification actions. 為鼓勵市民邁向惜水生活,我們繼續推廣 To effect positive changes in water-wise living among members of 節約用水文化,包括廣受歡迎的「齊來 the public, we continue to promote water-wise culture with, inter 慳水十公升 2 . 0 」活動、「滴滴遊蹤深導 alia, the popular “Let’s Save 10L Water 2.0” Campaign, “Excursion 行」參觀活動和「惜水學堂」綜合教育 with Water Save Dave” Visiting Programme and “Cherish Water 計劃等。透過散播惜水的種籽,我們定能 Campus” Integrated Education Programme. Through seeding the 善用僅有的水資源成就更多。 change, we can achieve more with less water together. 藉此機會,我衷心感謝我們專業的團隊 Taking this opportunity, I would also like to thank our professional 在過去一年竭盡所能,以堅毅不屈的精神 team for their dedication and resilience in the face of the challenges 應對各種挑戰,努力不懈地將挑戰轉化為 in the past year, unremittingly turning challenges into driving force 不斷進步的動力。 for continuous improvement. 我深信在社會各界攜手努力下,我們定能 I am confident that with the concerted efforts of all, we can build a 共建可持續和富應變力的未來。 sustainable and resilient future together.