水務署2020/21年年報 WSD Annual Report 2020/21

29% $0 以上至 $25 Above $0 up to $25 12% $50 以上至 $75 Above $50 up to $75 14% $0 21% $25 以上至 $50 Above $25 up to $50 24% $75 以上 Above $75 開支(百萬元) Expenditures ($million) 財政年度 Financial Year 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 員工開支 Staff costs 1,729.6 1,917.1 2,077.9 2,195.0 2,042.7 運作及行政開支 Operating and administration expenses 1,948.7 2,024.1 2,023.6 2,094.1 2,453.7 購買東江水的成本 Purchase cost of Dongjiang water 4,569.7 4,782.2 4,796.5 4,810.9 4,821.4 折舊 Depreciation 1,815.7 1,917.1 2,013.6 2,120.5 2,171.2 總額 Total 10,063.7 10,640.5 10,911.6 11,220.5 11,489.0 本署致力以符合成本效益的方式提供服務,並 在固定資產、設備、資訊科技及人力資源方面 投入大量資源,藉此提高運作效益及員工生 產力,務求滿足市民對更優質服務的需求。社 會大眾以及我們的用戶可以放心,我們會實行 嚴謹的財務紀律,在提供優質服務滿足用戶需 要之餘,不忘提升成本效益。這是我們實現抱 負和使命的基本法則。 The WSD is committed to providing services as cost effectively as possible, and has made substantial investments in fixed assets, equipment, information technology and human resources to improve operational efficiency and staff productivity to meet the public's demand for a higher quality of services. Our customers and the public at large can rest assured that the WSD will exercise strict financial discipline and be very cost conscientious in delivering quality services to meet customer demands. This is the WSD's underlying approach to achieve its vision and missions. 二零二零/二一年度住宅用戶每月水費分佈圖 Distribution of Household Average Monthly Bills 2020/21 財務及水費 Finance and Water Charges 94 水務署 二零二零至二一年年報