WSD Annual Report 2021/22

加強與區議會交流 時任九龍城區議會主席蕭亮聲先生應水務署邀請,率領當區區 議員於二零二一年六月到訪位於天水圍的「水知園」教育中心。 水務署署長及職員與代表團就有關九龍城區供水服務事宜展開 討論。是次參觀活動讓九龍城區議員對本港水資源的相關事 宜,以及社會各界多元化的節約用水工作有更進一步的了解。 水務署署長於二零二一年五月及二零二一年十一月分別到訪荃 灣區議會及觀塘區議會,就香港水資源的概況作介紹,並就兩 區的供水服務事宜展開討論。 Enhancing Exchange with District Councils Upon our invitation, the Kowloon City District Council (KCDC) members led by the then Chairman Mr SIU Leong-sing visited the H2OPE Centre at Tin Shui Wai in June 2021. The Director of Water Supplies and WSD staff held discussion with the delegation about the water supply services in Kowloon City District. Through the visit, the KCDC members gained a better understanding of the issues related to water resources in Hong Kong as well as diverse water conservation efforts in the community. In May and November 2021, the Director of Water Supplies visited Tsuen Wan District Council and Kwun Tong District Council respectively to provide an overview of Hong Kong’s water resources and hold discussion about the water supply services in the districts. 同心抗疫服務社區 Joining Anti-Epidemic Work to Serve the Community 二零一九冠狀病毒病疫情為香港帶來了前所未有的 挑戰。為回應巿民和社會的需要,政府力求推出多 輪積極措施,協助受影響民眾抗疫。 水務署聯同其他政府部門調動人手及資源,務求盡 快推行並完成多項抗疫行動,確保對受影響居民的 滋擾減至最低,並以盡早發現確診者為目標,實行 及早隔離和及早治療的安排。 • 在二零二一年三月至二零二一年五月期間,超過 50 名水務署職員聯同醫院管理局的同事,營運 社區疫苗接種中心,為市民安排接種疫苗。 • 二零二二年三月的第五波疫情嚴重。有見及此, 水務署派出100 多名人員參與六次「受限區域強 制檢測」行動(帶領其中五次行動)。 The COVID-19 epidemic has brought exceptional challenges to Hong Kong. The Government strives to respond to the needs of the public and society and has launched many rounds of measures to assist the affected population in fighting the virus. In joint collaboration with other Government departments, the WSD has mobilised available manpower and resources for a number of anti-epidemic operations with a view to completing the operations as soon as possible, minimising the disturbance on the affected residents and achieving the objective of early identification, early isolation and early treatment. • From March to May 2021, more than 50 WSD staff, jointly with colleagues from the Hospital Authority, operated community vaccination centres and arranged vaccinations for the public. • In the face of the fifth wave of severe epidemics in March 2022, more than 100 WSD staff were deployed to participate in six “Restriction-testing Declaration” operations (taking charge in five of those operations). 弦動 Inspire 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 99