WSD Annual Report 2021/22

公眾欣賞教育之旅 百年古蹟為公眾教育提供良好平台,藉以了解香港水源、水務設施設計、食水供 應系統的歷史發展,以及欣賞歷史建築的美學設計和內部結構。配水庫的虛擬 導覽和導賞團已分別於二零二一年三月和十二月開始舉行,供公眾了解和參與。 每日共設三場約90分鐘的導賞團,每團名額為12 人。市民可透過網上系統預約。 截至二零二二年三月,導賞團共吸引逾630 人次入場,反應熱烈。 Education Tours for Public Appreciation The century-old monument provides a good education platform to understand water resources, waterworks design, historical development of the fresh water supply system in Hong Kong, as well as to appreciate the aesthetic design and internal structures of the historic building. The WSD has arranged both virtual and guided tours for public knowledge and participation in March and December 2021 respectively. With three guided tours daily, each tour lasts about 90 minutes that accommodates up to 12 visitors. Members of the public can make an appointment through the online book system. As at March 2022, the guided tour attracted over 630 visitors with an overwhelming response. 活化主教山歷史悠久的前深水埗配水庫 前深水埗配水庫於一九零四年落成,及後於一九七零年停用,是當時九龍重力自 流供水計劃的一部分。配水庫採用經典的設計和建築結構,如花崗岩支柱、紅磚 拱券、和混凝土拱形天花,吸引市民對文物價值的關注。 前深水埗配水庫於二零二一年六月獲評定為一級歷史建築。因應公眾關注,水務 署的不同團隊展開多項文物保育及提升服務措施。其中包括穩定結構的加固工 程、編制教材以提高公眾的理解,以及改善設施以供公眾到訪和參觀。 Revitalising the Historic Ex-Sham Shui Po Service Reservoir at Mission Hill Built in 1904 and later decommissioned in 1970, the ex-Sham Shui Po Service Reservoir was established as part of the then Kowloon Waterworks Gravitation Scheme. Its iconic design and architectural structure, such as granite block piers, red brick arches and concrete cove ceiling, have attracted public’s attention over heritage conservation. In view of public interest and following the assessment of the Ex-Sham Shui Po Service Reservoir as a Grade 1 historic structure in June 2021, different teams at the WSD have commenced various initiatives for heritage conservation and service enhancement. These include reinforcement works to stabilise the structure; development of educational materials to enhance public understanding and enhancement of facilities for public access and visit. 專題故事FEATURE STORY 前深水埗配水庫 Ex-Sham Shui Po Service Reservoir 弦動 Inspire 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 100