WSD Annual Report 2021/22

確保結構完整的修復工程 我們參考了古物古蹟辦事處的意見和技術建議,並進行多項臨時加固及保護工 程,得以令這座古蹟適合開放給市民參觀。這些改善工程,包括安裝架高地台 通道、內部照明、通風設施、消防裝置和臨時排水設施。另外亦裝設玻璃天窗, 以免配水庫受風化侵蝕的影響,並在天窗底下安裝樓梯為遊客提供便捷的通道。 Restoration Works to Ensure Structural Integrity To enable the public to enjoy the place, various temporary strengthening and protection works were conducted following the views and technical advice from the Antiquities and Monument Office. These improvement works include the installation of a raised floor pathway, internal lighting, ventilation facilities, fire service installations and temporary drainage facilities. A skylight was also installed to protect the service reservoir from the weathering effects, and staircases were provided under the skylight as an easy access to the visitors. 為未來的保護工作徵求意見 Seeking Views on Future Conservation Efforts 為配水庫的混凝土天花、拱券和其他結構裝設臨時支架,以確保配水庫有良好 的結構承托。 Temporary support for the local concrete roof slabs, brick arches and other structures was erected to ensure structural integrity of the service reservoir. 為配合導賞團活動,水務署安裝內部照明、通風設施、消防裝置、架高地台通道、通道設施和地面綠化工程。 To facilitate guided tours, the WSD has made provision of internal lighting, ventilation facilities, fire service installations, raised floor pathway, access facilities and ground level greening works. 為免內部結構受風化影響, 在配水庫頂部洞口裝設玻璃 天窗。 To protect the internal structures from weathering effects, a temporary skylight on the opening of the roof slab was installed. 水務署高級工程師/水塘安全 黃曦諾先生 Mr WONG Hei-nok - Senior Engineer/Reservoir Safety, WSD 我們盡力復修前深水埗配水庫的結構,並提供設施以配合公 眾欣賞這座歷史建築。我們正收集參與導賞團人士的意見, 協助制訂配水庫的長遠保育和活化方案。 We seek to contribute the best possible efforts to restore structures and provide facilities for public appreciation of the historic Ex-Sham Shui Po Service Reservoir. We are collecting views upon participation in the guided tours, to assist in evaluating options of conserving and revitalising the service reservoir in the long run. 弦動 Inspire 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 101