WSD Annual Report 2021/22

合作推進水務管理 為香港提供優質且可持續的供水服務是我們一直秉承的抱負。 為此,我們投入參與國際性水務專業團體,並與海內外國際同 業緊密合作,以探索與水務管理相關的創新科技和最佳實務方 案、提升實力,以及分享我們的見解及解決方案,與其他智慧 用水的城市優勢互補。 水務署投入參與以下世界頂尖的水務公用事業網絡和知識平 台,以汲取可持續和智慧水務管理的實踐和創新資訊,並連繫 水務行業具影響力的領導者: PARTNERING FOR ADVANCING WATER MANAGEMENT As part of our vision to excel in providing quality and sustainable water supply in Hong Kong, we join the global knowledge hubs for water professionals and work in close collaboration with our regional and international counterparts. We seek to explore the latest innovations, technologies and best practices of water management; build capacity; as well as contribute insights and solutions adding value to the work of many other water-wise cities. The WSD joins the following international leading water utility networks and knowledge hubs to access sustainable and smart water practices and innovations, and collaborate with thought leaders of the water sector: * 註:中文譯名 • 國際水協會 International Water Association (IWA) • 國際海水化淡協會* International Desalination Association • 國際公用事業專業網絡* Leading Utilities of the World • 國際水利與環境工程學會 International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research • 美國水務協會* American Water Works Association • 智能供水網絡論壇* Smart Water Networks Forum 放眼世界 Our Global Network 弦動 Inspire 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 102