WSD Annual Report 2021/22

數據一覽 DATA SUMMARY 二零一七至二一年全年食水用量及人均用水量 Annual Fresh Water Consumption and Per Capita Consumption 2017 – 2021 全年食水用量 Annual Fresh Water Consumption (百萬立方米 million m3) 人均用水量* Per Capita Consumption* (立方米/每年 m3 per year) 2018 1 013 136 2019 996 133 2020 1027 137 2021 1 055 142 二零一七至二一年全港人口及獲食水供應人口 Population in Hong Kong and Population Served with Fresh Water 2017 - 2021 年份 Year 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 全港人口*(百萬) Population in Hong Kong* (million) 7.39 7.45 7.51 7.48 7.41 獲食水供應人口 (百萬) Population served with fresh water (million) 7.39# 7.45# 7.51# 7.48# 7.41# * 根據政府統計處公佈的年中人口數字。 * Based on the mid-year population figures released by the Census and Statistics Department. #全港超過99.9%人口獲食水供應。 # Over 99.9% of the population in Hong Kong is served with fresh water. 二零一七至二一年全年海水用量及獲海水供應人口 Annual Salt Water Consumption and Population Served with Salt Water 2017 – 2021 年份 Year 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 全年海水用量(百萬立方米) Annual Salt Water Consumption (million m3) 278 279 307 318 321 獲海水供應人口 (百萬) Population Served with Salt Water (million) 6.22 6.27 6.33 6.31* 6.27* * 在二零二一年,儘管沖廁用海水供應網絡的覆蓋率輕微上升,但由於全港人口下跌,獲海水供應人口相比二零二零 年亦因而有所減少。 * In 2021, notwithstanding the slight increase in the network coverage of salt water supply for flushing, the population served with salt water is less than that in 2020 due to the decline in Hong Kong’s population. 2017 980 133 數據一覽 Data Summary 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 118