WSD Annual Report 2021/22

監測結果 Monitoring Data (04/2021 - 03/2022) 香港 食水標準 HKDWS 達標(註釋 1) Compliance(Note 1) 參數 Parameter 單位 Unit 最低值 Minimum 最高值 Maximum 平均值 Average 特丁津 Terbuthylazine 微克/公升 µg/L < 1.8 < 1.8 < 1.8 ≤ 7 ✓ 四氯乙烯 Tetrachloroethene 微克/公升 µg/L < 10 < 10 < 10 ≤ 40 ✓ 甲苯 Toluene 微克/公升 µg/L < 175 < 175 < 175 ≤ 700 ✓ 總三鹵甲烷 Total trihalomethanes 比率總和(註釋2) sum ratio(Note 2) 0 0.56 0.23 比率總和 ≤ 1 sum ratio ≤ 1 ✓ 三氯乙酸鹽 Trichloroacetate 微克/公升 µg/L < 2 15 4.2 ≤ 200 ✓ 氟樂靈 Trifluralin 微克/公升 µg/L < 5 < 5 < 5 ≤ 20 ✓ 鈾 Uranium 毫克/公升 mg/L < 0.0002 0.0005 < 0.0002 ≤ 0.03 ✓ 二甲苯 Xylenes 微克/公升 µg/L < 125 < 125 < 125 ≤ 500 ✓ 總 α 活度 Gross alpha (α) activity 貝可/公升 Bq/L < 0.1 0.1 < 0.1 ≤ 0.5 ✓ 總 β 活度 Gross beta (β) activity 貝可/公升 Bq/L < 0.2 0.2 < 0.2 ≤ 1.0 ✓ 埃希氏大腸桿菌 Escherichia coli 菌落數/100毫升 cfu/100mL 0 1 0 0 註釋 3 Note 3 註釋 1. " ✓" 表示這時段內抽取的食水樣本的食水水質均完全符合香港食水標準。 2. 總三鹵甲烷的比率總和不得超出 1,其計算方式如下: 3. 於2021 年9 月底在恆常水質監測期間中發現一個不達標的樣本。水務署已即時採 取了適當的跟進行動並提供臨時食水。於10 月6 日完成清洗供水系統並從該系統 的水樣本確認不含埃希氏大腸桿菌,水質符合香港食水標準,適合飲用。本報告 涵蓋期內,埃希氏大腸桿菌的達標率為99.996%。 Notes 1. " ✓" indicates full compliance of drinking water quality with the HKDWS in all water samples taken during this period. 2. Sum ratio of total trihalomethanes should not exceed 1, as calculated by: 3. One non-compliant sample was found in late September 2021 during the routine monitoring of drinking water quality. Appropriate followup actions were taken immediately and temporary water supply was provided. On 6 October 2021 cleaning work of the supply system was completed and test results of water samples collected from the system confirmed no presence of Escherichia coli. The water quality is in compliance with the HKDWS and fit for consumption. The compliance rate of Escherichia coli during the reporting period is 99.996%. 溴仿含量 其香港食水標準值 一溴二氯甲烷含量 其香港食水標準值 二溴一氯甲烷含量 其香港食水標準值 氯仿含量 其香港食水標準值 Bromoform its HKDWS its HKDWS Bromodichloromethane its HKDWS Dibromochloromethane its HKDWS chloroform 數據一覽 Data Summary 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 122