WSD Annual Report 2021/22

年份 Year 投訴數目 Number of Complaints 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 與帳戶有關的投訴# Account-Related# 145 138 94 679 544 與帳戶無關的投訴 Non-Account-Related 7 498 6 454 5 828 6 519 7 174 總數 Total 7 643 6 592 5 922 7 198 7 718 # 由區議會、立法會及申訴專員轉介與帳戶有關的投訴。 # Account-related complaints from District Councils, Legislative Council and The Ombudsman. 附錄三 APPENDIX III 客戶投訴的統計數字 Statistics on Customer Complaints 附錄四 APPENDIX IV 二零二一至二二年度繳費方式的統計數字 Statistics on Mode of Payment 2021/22 繳費方式 Mode of Payment 交易數目 No. of Cases 百分比 Percentage (%) 親身繳費 In person 3 227 000 40.5 郵寄 By post 52 000 0.7 自動轉帳 Autopay 864 000 10.8 繳費靈 Payment by Phone Service (PPS) 558 000 7.0 自動櫃員機 ATM 235 000 2.9 網上繳費 Internet 3 037 000 38.1 總數 Total 7 973 000 100.0 財政年度:由每年四月一日起至翌年三月三十一日止 年份:由每年一月一日起至十二月三十一日止 匯率 除另有說明外,本年報所用「元」均指港元。自一九八三年十月十七日起,政府透過 一項有關發行紙幣的措施,將港元與美元聯繫,以7.8 港元兌1 美元為固定匯率。 Financial Year: 1 April to 31 March Year (Calendar Year): 1 January to 31 December Exchange Rates When dollars are quoted in this report, they are, unless otherwise stated, Hong Kong dollars. Since 17 October 1983, the Hong Kong dollar has been linked to the US dollar, through an arrangement in the note-issue mechanism, at a fixed rate of HK$7.80 = US$1. 附錄 Appendices 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 126