WSD Annual Report 2021/22

We will conduct regular review of the “Strategy 2019” and update it as needed to make appropriate and timely responses to changes arising from water demand, the effect of climate change on the local yield, as well as the cost-effectiveness, technological development, reliability and environmental impact of various water resources. 我們亦會定期檢討並修訂「策略2019」,以適時應對用水需求 變化、氣候變化對本地集水的影響,及各種水資源的成本效益、 相關科技發展、可靠性及對環境的影響等。 水資源 多年來,香港一直享有穩定的供水。香港水資源的三大來源為 本地集水區的雨水、由廣東輸入的東江水及沖廁用海水。 WATER RESOURCES Over the years, Hong Kong has enjoyed a reliable water supply. Hong Kong’s water resources comprise three sources: Rainwater from local catchments, imported water from Dongjiang in the Guangdong Province, and salt water for toilet flushing. 1 377 百萬立方米 million m3 總計 Total 二零二一年全港總用水量 Total Water Consumption of Hong Kong in 2021 本地集水 Local yield 東江水 Dongjiang water 沖廁用海水 Salt water for flushing 18% 23% 59% 二零二一年按用水類別劃分的食水用量 Annual Fresh Water Consumption by Sector 2021 用水類別 Sector 食水用量 Fresh Water Consumption 百萬立方米及佔總用量百分比 million m3 and percent of total 住宅用水Domestic 623 (59.0%) 工業用水Industrial 57 (5.4%) 服務業及商業用水Service Trades 246 (23.3%) 政府用水Government Establishments 47 (4.5%) 建築及船舶用水Construction & Shipping 21 (2.0%) 臨時淡水沖廁Flushing 61 (5.8%) 食水總用量Total Fresh Water Consumption 1 055 (100%) 現新 Innovate 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 19