WSD Annual Report 2021/22

本地集水 儘管香港地勢起伏,但雨水收集和儲存系統完備且覆蓋廣泛。 本地集水從集水區收集而來,大部分集水區均位於受嚴格規管 保護,免受污染的郊野公園內。我們採用多重屏障的原則,在 各集水區監控發展、定期巡查及監測水質的情況,以確保水質 安全。在集水量方面,每年的本地集水量並不穩定,加上氣候 變化的影響,我們預計未來本地集水量的變動將會更大。 Local Yield Despite the undulating terrain, Hong Kong has developed an extensive rainwater collection and storage system. The local yield is collected in catchment areas, most of which fall within country parks that are well regulated and protected from contamination. We adopt a multiple barrier approach to control development, regularly conduct inspections and monitor water quality in these areas to ensure water safety. In terms of quantity, the local yield is not stable every year, and can be subject to drastic fluctuations. Coupled with the effect of climate change, we foresee even greater fluctuations in the future. 二零一七年至二零二一年全年降雨量 Annual Rainfall 2017 – 2021 毫米 millimetres 3 500 3 000 2 500 2 000 1 500 1 000 500 0 2 395 2 307 2 396 2 572 2 163 年份 Year 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 年份 Year 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 二零一七年至二零二一年全年淨集水量 Annual Net Yield 2017 – 2021 百萬立方米 million m3 272 215 202 288 304 400 300 200 100 0 註:長期平均降雨量為2 431 毫米 Note : Long-term mean rainfall is 2 431 mm 現新 Innovate 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 20