WSD Annual Report 2021/22

東江水 為填補香港本地集水量和用水需求的缺口,我們在粵港供水協 議訂明的每年供水量上限,按需要以統包方式輸入東江水,確 保香港供水穩定而靈活,滿足香港的實際需要。 為回應市民對東江供水按量收費的訴求,於二零二零年十二月 簽訂的現行東江水協議已採用「統包扣減」收費方式,取代以 往協議採用的「統包總額」方式計算,此新收費方式可至少維 持至二零二九年。按二零二一年價格水平,估計在現行協議的 機制下,這九年期間最高節省金額可達3.24 億港元。 現行協議內的每年基本水價調整增幅為每年1.33%,普遍地反 映粵港兩地相關消費物價指數和人民幣兌港元匯率的變動。 鑑於二零一九冠狀病毒病疫情對香港經濟環境帶來的挑戰,粵 方同意將二零二一年的實際水價凍結在二零二零年水平(即 48.21 億港元),以紓緩香港的財政負擔。二零二一年,香港在 東江水方面的支出為48.21 億港元,而二零一九年和二零二零 年的支出分別為48.07 億港元和48.21 億港元。 Dongjiang Water To fill the gap between Hong Kong's local yield and water demand, Dongjiang water is imported as needed with a package deal approach, up to the annual supply ceiling stipulated in the supply agreement between Guangdong and Hong Kong to ensure a stable but flexible supply for meeting the city’s actual needs. In response to the public request for payment based on the quantity of Dongjiang water supplied, the current agreement 2021-2023 was signed in December 2020 using a "package deal deductible sum" approach which will be maintained at least up to 2029 and replaces the previous "package deal lump sum" approach. Based on the 2021 price level, it is estimated that the mechanism of the current agreement will bring a maximum saving of HK$324 million under this nine-year period. The annual ceiling water prices in the current agreement will be increased by 1.33% each year, which generally reflects the changes of the relevant consumer price indices of Guangdong and Hong Kong and the exchange rate between the Renminbi and the Hong Kong dollar. In view of the prevailing challenging economic environment arising from the COVID-19 epidemic, Guangdong authorities have agreed that the actual water price for 2021 was frozen at the 2020 level (i.e. HK$4,821 million) to ease the financial burden of Hong Kong. In 2021, Hong Kong's expenditure on Dongjiang water was HK$4,821 million, compared to HK$4,807 million and HK$4,821 million paid in 2019 and 2020 respectively. 沖廁用海水 自一九五零年代,香港引入海水沖廁,至今仍是全球少數廣泛 應用這種可持續資源沖廁的地方之一,在我們的水資源管理中 發揮著舉足輕重的作用。目前,我們的海水供應網絡覆蓋全港 約85%的人口,每年供應約3.2 億立方米海水,節省了同等分 量的食水,約佔香港總用水量的23%。 使用海水沖廁有助節省珍貴淡水資源,加上供應海水的耗電量 較供應食水的為低,因而可降低生產成本,亦能減少二氧化碳 排放量。 Salt Water for Flushing Since 1950s, salt water has been introduced in Hong Kong for toilet flushing. Hong Kong is one of the few places in the world extensively applying this sustainable resource which forms an important role in our water management. Currently, our salt water supply network covers about 85% of the Hong Kong population. Every year, about 320 million m3 of seawater is supplied for flushing, conserving an equivalent amount of fresh water which is about 23% of the total water consumption in Hong Kong. Using salt water for flushing not only conserves precious fresh water resources, but also reduces production costs and carbon dioxide emissions arising from lower electricity consumption for supplying salt water than fresh water. 現新 Innovate 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 21