WSD Annual Report 2021/22

你需要做甚麼才能轉用海水沖廁 What you need to do for converting salt water for flushing 點滴話你知 Did you know? 查看水務監督發出有關轉用海水沖廁的通知 Check the letter issued by the Water Authority about conversion to seawater for flushing 聘請持牌水喉匠檢查內部沖廁系統,以確認系統是否準備就緒 Employ licensed plumbers to inspect the inside service of flushing systems to confirm readiness 如需改善供水系統,須向水務監督申請 Apply to the Water Authority if modification works are required 在持牌水喉匠檢查及改善系統後,便可申請接駁鹹水喉管 Make application for connecting to seawater mains following the inspection and completion of modification works by licensed plumbers 繳納水務監督規定的接駁費用 Pay the pipe connection fee required by the Water Authority 二零一七年至二零二一年全年食水供應 Annual Quantity of Fresh Water Supply 2017 - 2021 東江水 Dongjiang Water 本地集水 Yield from Hong Kong’s Catchments 百萬立方米 million m3 996 1 027 1 055 278 718 1 013 1 200 1 000 800 600 400 200 0 980 329 651 年份 Year 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 277 736 225 244 802 811 二零一七年至二零二一年全年日均用量(食水及海水) Total Average Daily Water Consumption (Fresh Water and Salt Water) 2017-2021 3.57 3.68 3.77 0.84 2.73 0.87 0.88 2.81 2.89 3.54 0.76 2.78 3.45 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.76 2.69 食水 Fresh Water 海水 Salt Water 百萬立方米 million m3 年份 Year 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 1 2 3 4 5 現新 Innovate 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 22