WSD Annual Report 2021/22

專題展覽 水知園的教育內容包羅萬有,從水資源、食水水質、節約用水、 循環再用水、水務工程、用水效益,以至可持續發展措施,均 應有盡有。 為紀念大潭篤水塘落成百周年,水知園與香港大學房地產及建 設系合作,於二零二一年九月舉辦專題展覽,重點介紹了水塘 的建造歷史、水壩興建工程,以及相關的人物風貌,如原村民 後代、漁民、工程師、工人及現居居民。 Themed Exhibition The education contents of the H2OPE Centre range from water resources, drinking water quality, water conservation and recycling, waterworks projects, water efficiency to sustainability initiatives. Commemorating the centenary of the Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir, the H2OPE Centre held a thematic exhibition about the Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir from September to December 2021 in collaboration with the Department of Real Estate and Construction of the University of Hong Kong. The exhibition focused on the development history of the Reservoir, dam construction and the people involved such as descendants of original villagers, fishermen, engineers, workers and current residents. 水知園的展品 Attractions@ H2OPE Centre 現新 Innovate 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 26