WSD Annual Report 2021/22

免費安裝節流器計劃 住宅用水量佔全港用水量超過一半,減少住宅用水便成為控制 食水需求增長的長期措施之一。安裝節流器能有效減少水龍頭 或沐浴花灑的用水量以及培養節約用水的習慣。自二零一四年 起,我們便已為公共租住屋邨免費安裝節流器,藉此提升用水 裝置的效益,並改變客戶的用水習慣。這個自願性計劃將於 二零二三年完成。 我們於二零一九年把免費安裝節流器計劃擴展至私人屋苑和私 立學校(包括幼稚園、小學及中學),並將其納入社區節約用 水運動「齊來慳水十公升2.0」,從而促進大眾參與,發揮更大 的成效。有關詳情,請參閱「弦動」章節。 為了促進年輕一代節約用水,我們繼續為私立學校安排安裝節 流器,但二零一九冠狀病毒病疫情限制了我們為公共和私人屋 苑提供的安裝服務。然而,我們透過水務署網站向公眾提供免 費節流器來自行安裝。 Free Installation of Flow Controllers Programme One of the long-term measures to contain the growth of fresh water demand is reducing domestic consumption, which accounts for over half of the total water consumption in Hong Kong. The installation of flow controllers is an effective way to reduce water consumption from taps or showers and cultivate water conservation habits. Since 2014, we have offered free installation of flow controllers in public rental housing estates to increase efficiency of water devices and change usage habits. The programme is on voluntary basis and is scheduled to complete by 2023. Leveraging the effectiveness of water conservation, the free installation scheme was extended in 2019 to private housing estates and private schools (including kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools) to inspire their contributions as part of our community water conservation campaign titled “Let’s Save 10L Water 2.0”. See in the Inspire Section for more details. While we continue to arrange installation of flow controllers in private schools to promote water conservation among the young generation, the COVID-19 epidemic has posed constraints on our installation services at public and private housing estates. Despite this challenge, we have enabled the public to apply for the flow controllers free of charge through the WSD website and perform self-installation. 182 000 個住戶來自 households in 164 個公共租住屋邨 public rental housing estates 5 100 個住戶來自私人屋苑 private estate households 672 間幼稚園 kindergartens 42 間私立小學 private primary schools 8間私立中學 private secondary schools 截至2022年3月已安裝節流器 have installed flow controllers as at March 2022 現新 Innovate 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 28