WSD Annual Report 2021/22

用水效益最佳實務指引 為了提高各行各業的用水效益,我們制訂了用水效益最佳實務 指引,以供業界參考國際最佳實踐經驗。我們正與酒店和餐飲 業的協會合作,力求在營運的不同方面提升用水效益,包括設 施保養、酒店服務、廚房和樓面運作、泳池和園景管理。 此外,我們鼓勵酒店業和餐飲業界從業員定期以「節水核對清 單」展開用水評核,在核查器具的用水效益、業務運作常規和 維修保養要求的同時,提高員工和客戶的節水知識,以期匯聚 多方持份者的努力,使節約用水的成效更大。 Best Practice Industry Guidelines To enhance water use efficiency across industries, we have developed a set of Best Practice Guidelines to the industry practitioners taking reference of the experiences of international best practices. We are collaborating with hotel and catering associations to promote water use efficiency in different aspects of their daily operations, including facilities maintenance, hospitality service, kitchen and dining area operations, swimming pools and landscape management. In addition, we encourage the hotel and restaurant practitioners to conduct water audits regularly using the Water Efficiency Checklist to evaluate the water use performance of equipment and operational practices, identify maintenance requirements, as well as raise awareness and participation from their employees and customers on water conservation with a view to gathering greater contributions from various stakeholders. 管理用水流失 香港的山丘地形,加上對地下水管的各樣頻密干擾,導致水 管滲漏的風險提高。為此,水務署實施一系列措施,管理逾 8 300 公里的水管,務求優化供水系統網絡的運作表現、減少 水管爆裂和用水流失,同時協助客戶追蹤和管理其用水流失。 Water Loss Management The hilly terrain as well as various disturbances to underground water mains in Hong Kong have caused higher risk of leakage from water mains. At the WSD, we implement a host of measures to manage our water mains of over 8 300km long and to optimise the operational performance of the water supply network, reduce pipe bursts and water loss while helping consumers track and manage their water loss. 推動精明的用水文化 我們相信,要展開大規模的節約用水工作,必須以針對性的方 法與持份者緊密合作來向社區宣傳用水效益和精明用水生活, 才能在控制食水需求增長方面,產生積極變化。有關水務署與 業界和社區合作的詳情,請參閱「弦動」章節。 Promoting Water-Wise Culture To advance water conservation efforts at scale, we believe a targeted approach in close collaboration with stakeholders to promote water efficiency and smart living in the community is the key to effect positive changes in containing the growth of fresh water demand. The details of the WSD’s collaborative efforts with the industries and communities are covered in the Inspire Section. 現新 Innovate 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 29