WSD Annual Report 2021/22

位於青衣的 Q-Leak,是首個用於判斷地下水管滲漏的培訓、研究和開發中心, 佔地2 400 平方米,設施模擬香港複雜的供水管網及在不同情況下出現的地下水 管滲漏,如不同的水管大小和物料,以及不同水流和壓力。Q-Leak 的設施讓水 管測漏人員,在安全的環境下進行各種滲漏檢測技術的培訓和技能評估。 Situated at Tsing Yi, the Q-Leak is the first of its kind for training, research and development of diagnosing underground water main leakage. The Centre covers about 2 400 square metres with facilities simulating the complex water supply network of Hong Kong and its underground water main leakage under various conditions and scenarios, including different pipe sizes and materials, as well as different water flow and pressure. The Q-Leak provides a safe environment for leak detection practitioners to conduct training and skills assessments on various leak detection technologies. 香港理工大學土地測量及地理資訊學系副教授 賴緯樂博士 Ir Dr LAI W L, Wallace - Associate Professor, Department of Land Surveying and Geo-informatics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 水務署署長 盧國華工程師太平紳士 Ir LO Kwok-wah, Kelvin, JP - Director of Water Supplies 水務署一直致力加強公共及私人內部喉管滲漏控制措施,以 減少耗水。水務署期望「Q-Leak」能成為與專家、研究人員、 業界及香港專上院校在水管測漏技術的教研合作平台,以加 強測漏培訓工作和技術研究提供更佳設施。 The WSD has always been committed to stepping up measures to prevent water leakage from both public and private water mains in a bid to reduce water loss. The Q-Leak will serve as a teaching and research cooperation platform with specialists, researchers, industry practitioners as well as post-secondary education institutions in Hong Kong to provide better facilities and robust support for strengthening the industry with training and research capabilities on leak detection. 通過利用聲波和電磁訊號的先進無損檢測技術,Q-Leak 便可根據多個可重復和可 改變的地下水管網絡的滲漏場況,從大型輸水管到幹管,以至鄉村的小型水管, 解決了當前的培訓問題並加強檢漏培訓。中心更可透過提供不同級別的「盲測」, 使學員能在現實世界中檢測「看不見的」網絡的滲漏位置,在提高智能水管理的 學習經驗和專業技能方面取得了重大突破。 Leveraging a variety of re-usable and changeable leakage scenarios of buried water main networks ranging from large distribution and trunk mains to small village water pipes, the Q-Leak has addressed current teaching issues and enhanced leak detection training by using the advanced non-destructive testing (NDT) technology which rely on acoustic and electromagnetic signals. Through offering different levels of blind tests, the Centre enables learners to detect and locate leakage in the “invisible” network in the real world. This has marked a significant breakthrough in enhancing learning experience and professional skills in smart water management. 設施模擬香港複雜的供水管網及在不同情況下出現的地下水管滲漏,讓水管測漏人員在安全的環 境下進行各種滲漏檢測技術的培訓和技能評估。 The Centre covers facilities simulating the complex water supply network of Hong Kong and its underground water main leakage under various conditions and scenarios, providing a safe environment for leak detection practitioners to conduct training and skills assessments on various leak detection technologies. 現新 Innovate 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 33