WSD Annual Report 2021/22

智能水錶系統 作為推動香港成為智慧城市的一部分,我們從二零一八年起, 於新建公營及私人發展項目引入智能水錶系統,以便進一步促 用水效益和智能生活。除了改善讀錶的準確度和效率,我們期 望客戶透過安裝相關的流動應用程式後能夠適時地獲得更多有 關其用水量的資訊,從而培養長期節約用水的良好習慣。 至於現有樓宇的客戶,我們正研究採用各種無線技術的可行 性。基於地理因素的考量,我們揀選大澳區作為首個測試無線 智能水錶系統的試點。並在二零二一年,我們為500 名大澳 現有客戶更換其傳統機械水錶為無線智能水錶。整項工程已於 二零二二年初完成,成果尚算滿意。根據是次經驗,我們正進 一步研究為其他現有建築物安裝無線智能水錶的可行性和策略。 Advanced Metering Infrastructure As part of advancing Hong Kong into a smart city, we have introduced Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) since 2018 in new public and private developments to further promote water efficiency and smart living in the community. Besides improving accuracy and efficiency in water meter readings, we seek to raise customer awareness of water conservation and inspire their behaviour changes through the provision of water consumption information via mobile app. With a view to extending the use of AMI to existing premises, we are assessing the feasibility of adopting wireless technology. Due to its remoteness from high-rise buildings and suitability for radio telecommunications, Tai O is selected as the first trial of our wireless AMI solution to improving efficiency and customer service. The trial was completed with satisfactory results in early 2022 and a total of 500 wireless smart water meters were installed in 2021. We are currently conducting feasibility studies on the supply and installation of wireless smart meters in existing buildings. 客戶可利用流動應用程式,輕鬆地遠程監測用水量。 Customers using mobile app can easily and remotely monitor water consumption. 智能水錶系統應用於新建和現有公營及私人發展項目,能進一 步促進社區的用水效益和智能生活。 The implementation of AMI in new and existing public and private developments further promotes water efficiency and smart living in the community. 現新 Innovate 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 34