WSD Annual Report 2021/22

展望二零二二年,其他機電及土木DfMA組件,包括二氧化碳儲存缸、熟石灰倉,以及混凝土外牆,將逐步運送至施工現場後安裝。 Looking ahead in 2022, other electrical, mechanical and civil DfMA components including carbon dioxide tanks, lime silo and external concrete wall panels will be progressively delivered to the construction site for subsequent installation. 將混凝土外牆安裝至成品抽水站 Installation of external concrete wall panels onto the Product Water Pumping Station 將熟石灰飽和器設置於後期處理 大樓 Placing lime saturator in Post Treatment Building 1. The weight of each RO rack ranges from 20 to 80 tonnes with the size up to 8.3 m(W) x 9m(L) x 9.25m(H). We are also planning a large-scale solar farm at the South East New Territories Landfill for supplying renewable energy to the Tseung Kwan O Desalination Plant. This plant was recognised not only for its climate-proof infrastructure, but also its smart construction measures to promote innovation, professionalism and revitalisation under the initiative of “Construction 2.0” as advocated by the Development Bureau. These include Building Information Modelling (BIM), Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA), Modular Integrated Construction (MiC), Digital Works Supervision System (DWSS) and smart safety devices which are used for enhancing project efficiency and team collaboration, as well as improving site safety. These smart construction initiatives have enabled smooth and timely construction management and project delivery amidst the challenges brought by the COVID-19 epidemic. For example, the vast DfMA RO Racks1 were successfully delivered from the fabrication yard in Shanghai then installed in the RO Building onsite in Hong Kong. More details of the WSD’s smart construction initiatives are covered in the Smart Construction Section. The first stage of Tseung Kwan O Desalination Plant will produce a reliable source of potable water while integrating smart construction initiatives, sustainable and green features into the design, construction and maintenance of the plant. 我們亦計劃於新界東南堆填區建造大型太陽能發電場,為將軍 澳海水化淡廠供應可再生能源。 該廠房不僅憑藉其氣候抵禦力高的基礎設施而獲得肯定,其 智慧建造措施更在發展局推行的「建造業2.0」下促進創 新、專業和年輕化而備受認可。這些措施包括建築信息模擬 (BIM)、可供製造及裝配的設計(DfMA)、組裝合成建築法 (MiC)、數碼工程監督系統(DWSS)和智慧安全裝置,以提高 項目效率、團隊合作及地盤安全。這些智慧措施,使項目能在 二零一九冠狀病毒病疫情的挑戰下,順利和及時實施工程管理 和執行項目。例如,龐大的DfMA 逆滲透技術組件1 於上海廠 房完成後,成功於香港的逆滲透淨化大樓現場安裝。有關水務 署智能建築措施的詳情,請參閱「智慧建造」章節。 將軍澳海水淡化廠第一階段能開拓可靠的食水水源,同時可將 智慧建造、可持續和環保特色融入於廠房設計、建造和保養工 作中。 1. 每個逆滲透技術組件重量從 20 噸到 80 噸不等,尺寸可達 8.3 米(闊)x 9米(長) x 9.25 米(高)。 現新 Innovate 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 39