WSD Annual Report 2021/22

The USV system consists of a base station computer and four electric USVs. Each USV is equipped with a water quality monitoring unit to monitor temperature, conductivity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, pH, chlorophyll-a and blue green algae; as well as auto-navigation and obstacle avoidance systems for navigating around obstacles during operation. By using the base station computer, our staff can remotely control the USVs to navigate automatically along a pre-set route, monitor water quality and conduct sampling at designated locations within the reservoir. The water quality data collected will be sent to the base station computer in real time for timely analysis and generation of a surface water quality profile indicating areas with significant variations in water quality to facilitate evaluation and appropriate follow-up. 無人船系統由一個基站電腦和四艘電動無人船組成。每艘無人 船均配置了水質監測裝置,用於監測溫度、導電率、混濁度、 溶解氧、酸鹼值、葉綠素-a 和藍綠藻;以及自動導航系統和避 障系統,在運行時能繞過障礙物。 我們的人員可通過基站電腦遙距控制無人船,讓船隻沿預設路 線自動導航、監測水質並在水塘的指定位置取樣。收集得到的 水質數據將實時發送至基站電腦,迅速分析並製成水塘表面水 質數據分布圖,顯示水質變化較大的區域,以便評估和採取適 當的跟進行動。 無人船系統在「促進機械人科技應用」創新比賽中獲得優異獎 The USV system was recognised with the Merit Award in the “Leading Towards Robotics Technologies” Innovation Competition 智慧創新的無人船系統憑藉採用機械人科技來提升公共服務,在政府資訊科技總監辦公室「智慧政府創新實驗室」舉辦的「促進 機械人科技應用」創新比賽中榮獲優異獎。無人船系統通過增加水質監測點密度和縮短數據收集時間,提升水質數據收集的效率。 The smart innovation of the USV system for adopting robotics technologies in enhancing public services was recognised with the Merit Award in the “Leading Towards Robotics Technologies” Innovation Competition organised by the “Smart Government Innovation Lab” of the Office of the Government Chief Information Office. The USV system has increased the efficiency of water quality data collection by increasing the number of water quality monitoring points and shortening the data collection time. 水安全計劃 我們採取風險為本和多重屏障的原則,確保食水安全。我們希 望透過與各界別持份者通力合作,有效實施水安全計劃,確保 從源頭至用戶水龍頭的食水水質,以保障公眾健康。 自二零零七年起,我們根據世衞的《飲用水水質準則》,制訂 和實施水安全計劃。 Water Safety Plan We have taken a risk-based and multiple barrier approach to ensuring the safety of our drinking water supply. Through the effective implementation of Water Safety Plan (WSP), in joint collaboration with various stakeholders, we hope to ensure drinking water quality from sources to consumers’ taps for the protection of public health. Since 2007, we have developed and implemented our WSP based on the Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality from the WHO. 現新 Innovate 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 45