WSD Annual Report 2021/22

建築物水安全計劃 建築物的食水水質可受其內部供水系統的多個因素影響,有機 會導致微生物或化學污染。水務署致力推行建築物水安全計 劃,以保障香港建築物的食水水質。 我們按照世衞的建議及水務諮詢委員會的意見,推出「大廈 優質供水認可計劃-食水(管理系統)」。透過這項水質管理 獎勵計劃,鼓勵業主和物業管理人在其處所實施建築物水安全 計劃。 此外,我們亦根據風險管理的原則,制定了一套適用於一般建 築物以及學校、安老院舍和醫院等特定建築物的指引和範本。 水務署的風險管理指引和範本,獲認可為最能夠促進建築物水 安全計劃的實踐模式,並已上存至世衞和國際水協會共同管理 的網站,供國際參考。 為促進計劃的推展,我們還在水務署網站上載《小型樓宇的食 水安全小貼士》和《已接受有關建築物水安全計劃培訓的合資 格人士名單》,供公眾查閱。 Water Safety Plan for Buildings Numerous factors of a building’s internal plumbing systems influence the quality of drinking water and may result in microbial or chemical contamination. The WSD is committed to promoting the implementation of Water Safety Plan for Buildings (WSPB) to safeguard drinking water quality in the buildings in Hong Kong. Following the recommendations of the WHO, in consultation with the Advisory Committee on Water Supplies, we have launched the “Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings – Fresh Water (Management System)”, a fresh water quality management cum recognition scheme, to provide incentives for participation by property owners and management agents to implement the WSPB at their premises. A set of risk management-based guidelines and templates have also been developed to cater for the application by general buildings, as well as specific buildings such as schools, residential care homes for the elderly and hospitals. The WSD’s risk management-based guidelines and templates are considered best practices in promoting the implementation of the WSPB, which are being archived in a website jointly managed by the WHO and the International Water Association for international reference. To facilitate implementation, we have also published “Drinking Water Safety Tips for Small Buildings” and the “List of Qualified Persons Trained in WSPB” on the WSD’s website for public access. 我們提供宣傳物品、實用指引和清單範本,以協助推行建築物水安全計劃。 To facilitate the implementation of the Water Safety Plan for Buildings, promotional materials, step by step guide and checklist materials are provided for use. 現新 Innovate 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 47