WSD Annual Report 2021/22

已實施建築物水安全計劃並 加入相關的「大廈優質供水認可計劃-食水(管理系統)」, have implemented the Water Safety Plan for Buildings and joined the associated Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings – Fresh Water (Management System), 自推出以來,約有 Since its launch, about 座建築物 buildings 3 400 860 000 惠及約 benefiting some 戶家庭。 households. 此外,政府已率先在轄下處所實施建築物水安全計劃,並計劃 於二零二七年上半年前,在所有政府大樓全面推行。水務署正 提供技術支援,協助相關決策局/部門在轄下建築物制定水安 全計劃。 香港房屋委員會亦已承諾自二零一八年第四季度起,於四年內 在轄下所有公共租住屋邨實施有關計劃。計劃將惠及全港約 73 萬戶的公共租住房屋住戶(佔香港總住戶數目28%)。 In addition, the Government has taken the lead in implementing the WSPB on its premises. By the first half of 2027, the WSPB will be implemented in all government buildings. The WSD is providing technical assistance to the relevant bureaux/departments in the formulation of the WSPB for their buildings. The Hong Kong Housing Authority has made commitment to implementing the WSPB in all of its public rental housing estates within four years since 2018. The plan will benefit about 730 000 households (28% of Hong Kong’s total households) across all public rental housing estates. 水安全計劃資助計劃 為鼓勵實施建築物水安全計劃,行政長官於二零一九年施政 報告中宣布推出「水安全計劃資助計劃」,為合資格私人樓宇 業主或物業管理人提供財政資助參與計劃。資助計劃獲撥款 4億4千萬港元,於五年內進行各項相關評估和實施管制措施。 計劃自二零二零年七月起開始接受申請以來,收到的申請超過 280 份。 為提供方便的一站式申請平台,水務署與市區重建局合作,將 水安全計劃資助計劃納入在「樓宇復修綜合支援計劃」內。 Water Safety Plan Subsidy Scheme To encourage the implementation of the Water Safety Plan for Buildings (WSPB) at premises, the Chief Executive announced the launch of the “Water Safety Plan Subsidy Scheme” (WSPSS) in the 2019 Policy Address providing eligible property owners or management agents of private buildings with financial assistance to adopt the WSPB. A funding of HK$440 million had been allocated for the subsidy scheme over five years to carry out various assessment and control measures. Since the launch of WSPSS application in July 2020, over 280 applications have been received. To provide a convenient one-stop platform for application, the WSD has collaborated with the Urban Renewal Authority to include the WSPSS in its “Integrated Building Rehabilitation Assistance Scheme”. 現新 Innovate 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 48