WSD Annual Report 2021/22

AI 署長的話 DIRECTOR’S STATEMENT 在日益加劇的氣候風險、持續增長的用水需求和因 時而變的用戶需求等挑戰下,我們將繼續秉承創新 的精神,致力提升供水保障、實現更有效率及可持 續的資產管理,以及進一步完善客戶體驗。 Through sustaining our innovations, we strive to enhance water security, achieve more efficient and sustainable asset management, and further enhance customer experience amidst the challenges of increasing climate risks, growing water demands and evolving customer needs. 盧國華工程師太平紳士 水務署署長 Ir LO Kwok-wah, Kelvin,JP Director of Water Supplies