WSD Annual Report 2021/22

如何於《認可水喉產品》銷售商選購水喉產品 How to Choose Plumbing Products in GA Product Shop 在水務署網站查看《認可水喉產品》銷售商註冊名 單。所有已註冊的銷售商,都必須在顯眼位置(如 水喉產品銷售店的門口)貼上由水務署發出的「《認 可水喉產品》銷售商」標籤,讓市民易於識別。 Check the list of registered GA Product Shops on the WSD website. All registered shops are required to have the GA Product Shop Label issued by the WSD affixed at a prominent location of the shop (e.g. at the entrance of the GA product shop) for convenient identification by the public. 掃描標籤上的二維碼,查閱更多《一般認可》水喉 產品資料,例如生產地及批核有效期等。 Scan the QR code on the GA label to retrieve useful information about the GA product, which includes its country of origin, expiry date, etc. 檢閱正式銷售收據上的《一般認可》水喉產品的《一 般認可》參考編號。 Check the official sale receipt for the corresponding GA Reference Number of the GA product. 查看具備「一般認可」資格的水喉產品,並從店員獲取相關的產品資訊。公眾可透 過張貼於《認可水喉產品》銷售商展示櫃台上的「產品標籤」,識別「一般認可」水 喉產品。店內的職員亦應具備「一般認可」水喉產品的相關知識,並能夠向公眾解 釋有關「一般認可」焊接物料的資訊。例如:(i)所有「一般認可」焊接物料均為 無鉛焊接物料。(ii)使用無鉛焊接物料接駁食水內部供水系統內的銅喉是《水務設 施規例》的規定,以及(iii)任何人使用含鉛焊接物料建造、安裝或更改食水內部 供水系統,即觸犯了《水務設施條例》所訂的罪行。 Review GA product features and receive product information from shop staff. In the GA product shop, the public can identify GA plumbing products easily by the GA labels affixed on the display counter of GA products at the shop where the staff should possess knowledge of GA products and be able to explain to the public on the information about GA solders. For example, (i) all GA solders are lead-free solders, (ii) use of lead-free solders for the connections of copper pipes in fresh water inside service is a requirement of the Waterworks Regulations, and (iii) any person use leaded solders in the construction, installation or alteration of fresh water inside service commits an offence under the Waterworks Ordinance. 1 2 了解更多 Read more 3 4 現新 Innovate 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 52