WSD Annual Report 2021/22

從過去開拓海水沖廁和在海中興建大型水塘,到現在利用先進的 水處理技術實現水資源多元化、逐步發展智慧水務和在水塘安裝 大型浮動太陽能發電場等,創新一直是我們工作的重心。在日益 加劇的氣候風險、持續增長的用水需求和因時而變的用戶需求等 挑戰下,我們將繼續秉承創新的精神,致力提升供水保障、實現 更有效率及可持續的資產管理,以及進一步完善客戶體驗。 Innovation is always at the core of what we do, from pioneering the use of salt water for flushing and the construction of huge reservoirs in the sea in the past, to our current efforts in diversifying water resources using advanced water treatment technologies and progressively developing smart waterworks and megascale floating solar farms at impounding reservoirs. Through sustaining our innovations, we strive to enhance water security, achieve more efficient and sustainable asset management, and further enhance customer experience amidst the challenges of increasing climate risks, growing water demands and evolving customer needs. 提升供水保障 氣候變化持續對供水保障帶來威脅。二零二一年,東江流域遭遇 60年來最嚴重旱情。同期,香港錄得自二零一一年以來最低的全 年淨集水量,而全年食水用量則創下歷史新高,達10.55 億立方 米。為滿足上升的需求,東江水輸入量達8.11 億立方米,已接近 現行《東江供水協議》規定的年供水量上限8.2 億立方米。儘管 我們正竭力推行一系列需求管理措施,目標在二零四零年前將全 年食水需求控制在10億立方米以內,我們必需利用多元化的水資 源,包括淡化海水作飲用用途和循環再用水(即再造水、重用中 水和回收雨水)作非飲用用途,提升供水的應變能力,以應對氣 候變化預期所帶來的極端影響。 我們正興建將軍澳海水化淡廠第一階段,採用最新的逆滲透技術 生產淡化海水——一種不受氣候變化影響的策略性水資源。該廠 計劃於二零二三年投產,年產量可達5 000萬立方米,並已預留 空間在未來倍增其產能。為求在整個項目生命週期減少碳足跡、 提升工地安全及工作效率,該廠的設計、建造和保養融入了多項 可持續發展設計和智慧工地措施。 使用循環再用水作非飲用用途不但可節省食水資源,亦可減少經 處理的排放水被排放至受納水體,從而減低對環境的影響。為 此,我們已展開基建工程,將石湖墟淨水設施處理後的排放水用 作生產再造水,計劃由二零二四年起向新界東北地區每年供應達 2 200 萬立方米的再造水;以及在安達臣道石礦場用地發展項目 中興建一套中央中水重用系統,二零二四年啓用後可每日供應達 ENHANCING WATER SECURITY Climate change continues to bring threats to water security. In 2021, the Dongjiang river basin experienced the worst drought in 60 years. In the same period, Hong Kong has recorded the lowest local annual net yield since 2011 while the annual fresh water consumption hit record high at 1 055 million m3. To meet the increased demand, 811 million m3 of Dongjiang water was imported, approaching the annual supply ceiling of 820 million m3 as specified in the current Dongjiang Water Supply Agreement. While we are pressing ahead an array of demand management measures with an aim to contain the annual fresh water demand within 1 000 million m3 by 2040, it is crucial to build resilience in our water supply with diversified water resources, including desalinated water for potable use and recycled water (viz reclaimed water, treated grey water and harvested rainwater) for non-potable uses, to cater for the anticipated extreme impacts of climate change. Leveraging the latest reverse osmosis technology, we are building the first stage of the Tseung Kwan O Desalination Plant to produce desalinated seawater, a strategic water resource not susceptible to climate change impacts. Scheduled to be commissioned in 2023, the Desalination Plant will have an annual production capacity of 50 million cubic metres with the provision to double its capacity in the future. Numerous sustainable features as well as smart construction measures are integrated into the design, construction and maintenance of the plant for minimising carbon footprint and enhancing site safety and work efficiency throughout the whole project lifecycle. Adopting recycled water for non-potable uses can not only preserve fresh water resources, but also reduce discharge of treated effluents into the receiving water, hence minimising impacts to the environment. We have embarked on the infrastructure works for further processing the treated sewage effluents from the Shek Wu Hui Effluent Polishing Plant to supply up to 22 million m3/year of reclaimed water to the northeast New Territories from 2024 onwards. We are also constructing a centralised grey water recycling system 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 6 署長的話 Director’ s Statement