WSD Annual Report 2021/22

減低建造工程的影響 我們的設計及建設科竭力於水務工程中的規劃、設計及建造等 各個環節,盡量降低工程對環境造成的影響。每年,我們均會 參照《ISO14001:2015 環境管理體系》認證訂立新方向和目標, 不斷提升我們在環境管理體系及環保方面的表現。 Minimising Construction Impacts Our New Works Branch strives to minimise the environmental impacts arising from our waterworks construction throughout the planning, design and construction processes. Each year, we establish new objectives and targets under the ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System (EMS) to continually improve our EMS and environmental performance. 提高生物多樣性 根據環境及生態局(時為環境局)制定的《生物多樣性策略及 行動計劃2016021》,水務署繼續在漁農自然護理署的支持下, 致力加強天然溪澗和引水導的保育工作,以改善和盡量減少維 修工程對生態造成的影響。此外,我們將繼續尋找機會,頁獻 政府的生物多樣性保育工作,以及中國國家 《生物多樣性策略 及行動計劃》,同時提高公眾意識和社區參與度。 為確保城市的可持續發展,社會各界需同心協力保護生物多樣 性。除了在灌溉水塘建設人工生態棲息地等多項生物多樣性試 點項目外,我們一直與環保團體合作,向公眾宣傳集水區的水 資源和生態保護。 我們與綠色力量和香港賽馬會慈善信託基金合作,開展賽馬會 集水成自然教育計劃。我們透過網絡研討會來支持交流會議。 該會議將於二零二二年六月舉行,以討論和探索集水區棲息 地、生態系統與人類利益之間的相互關係。 為了宣傳「水與生態」關係的重要性,我們亦給予中學教師支 持,於二零二一年和二零二二年出版由綠色力量出版教師用書。 Enhancing Biodiversity Under the “Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2016-2021” (BSAP) formulated by the then Environment Bureau (now the Environment and Ecology Bureau), the WSD continues to contribute efforts in enhancing conservation of natural streams and catchwaters by improving practices in and minimising ecological impacts from our maintenance works, with the support of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department. In addition, we will continue seeking opportunities to contribute to the Government’s efforts on biodiversity conservation and to China’s national BSAP while promoting public awareness and community involvement. Concerted efforts across the society to conserving biodiversity is essential to ensuring the city’s sustainable development. Apart from various pilot biodiversity enhancements including artificial ecological habitats in irrigation reservoirs, we have been collaborating with green groups to promote water and ecology conservation in water gathering grounds to members of the public. In collaboration with Green Power and the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust in its JC Flow Programme (Jockey Club – Fluvial Liveliness of Water Gathering Grounds), we would provide support to an interflow session via webinar which will be held in June 2022 to discuss and explore the interrelationship between the habitats in Water Gathering Grounds, ecosystems and the benefits to people. To promote the importance of the interrelationship between Water and Ecology, we have also provided support to the development of reference books for secondary school teachers, which were published by Green Power in 2021 and 2022. 現新 Innovate 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 73