WSD Annual Report 2021/22

放寬水塘釣魚期先導計劃於二零二一年推出,讓市民 享受釣魚樂。 A pilot scheme was launched in 2021 to relax fishing period in reservoirs for public enjoyment. 有見公眾對垂釣的興趣日益增加,為提高他們對保護水資源和 周邊自然景觀重要性的認識和理解,水務署於二零二一年四月 推出先導計劃,放寬水塘的釣魚期,讓持有有效釣魚牌照人士, 於二零二一年全年在船灣淡水湖及大潭水塘群垂釣。水務署委 任專家顧問在先導計劃期間,評估放寬釣魚期對水塘環境和水 質的影響,以及水塘內魚類的種類和數量。評估結果顯示,放 寬釣魚期限制對水塘環境、水質、魚類種類和數量沒有構成明 顯影響。 水務署檢視專家顧問的意見後,在不影響供水可靠性 及安全的前提下,自二零二二年四月起放寬釣魚期,讓持有有 效釣魚牌照人士可在全港所有水塘享受釣魚樂(即17 個水塘和 9 個灌溉水塘)。水務署會繼續密切監測水塘的水質,定期抽取 水樣本進行化驗,以確保水塘的水質優良。 To raise public awareness and appreciation of the importance of protecting water resources and the surrounding natural sceneries amidst increasing public interest in fishing activities, the WSD launched a pilot scheme in April 2021 to relax the fishing period in reservoirs, allowing anglers holding valid fishing licences to fish in the Plover Cove Reservoir and the Tai Tam Group of Reservoirs throughout 2021. The WSD commissioned an expert consultant to assess the impact of relaxing the fishing period on the reservoir environment and water quality, as well as the species and quantities of fish inside the reservoirs during the period of the pilot scheme. The assessment indicated that relaxing the restriction on the fishing period showed no appreciable impact on the reservoir environment and water quality, as well as the species and quantities of fish inside the reservoirs. After reviewing the expert consultant's advice, the WSD has relaxed the fishing period since April 2022, given that the reliability and safety of the water supply should not be affected, to allow anglers holding valid fishing licences to enjoy the fun of fishing in all Hong Kong reservoirs (i.e. 17 reservoirs and nine irrigation reservoirs) throughout the year. The WSD will continue to closely monitor the water quality by conducting regular examinations of water samples taken at reservoirs to ensure good water quality. 現新 Innovate 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 74