WSD Annual Report 2021/22

我們的工程師透過「K-POP」網上分享平台,與水務署社群的多個團隊分享 最新項目進展和經驗。 Our engineer shared the latest project progress as well as learning through the online sharing platform "K-POP" to the wider teams of the WSD community. 以多元的知識管理計劃激發創新 水務署於二零二一年九月推出「水務專業學院」,旨在以系統 化方式培養職場的學習文化,並滿足員工不同的學習需求。除 了系統化課程,學院亦以面授和網上模式舉辦各種活動來推廣 知識管理。我們的員工能透過學習、經驗和工程案例分享,擴 闊對水務和衞生不同領域的知識和視野。 二零二一年,接近2 000 人次參加了 30 項知識管理活動,包 括「知識管理茶座」、分享會和 K-POP。新計劃K-POP 旨在提 供網上平台,讓我們的專業團隊能跨領域、職級和地域地分享 重點項目的經驗。 Inspiring Innovation with Diversified Knowledge Management Programmes Launched in September 2021, the WSD AQUA-DEMY aims to foster learning culture in the workplace and address different learning needs of our staff through a systematic approach. In addition to the structured curriculum, the Academy promotes knowledge management with a diverse range of initiatives via inperson and online modes. Through sharing learning, experiences and project cases, our staff can acquire knowledge and broaden their vision in different fields of the water and sanitation sector. In 2021, nearly 2 000 man-time participated in 30 Knowledge Management (KM) activities including KM Cafes, Sharing Sessions and K-POPs. The K-POP is a new initiative offering an online platform for our professionals to share key projects among teams across disciplines, grades and geographies. 知識管理 創新科技和知識管理是穩建政策、流程、服務,以及造就人才 培育規劃的關鍵。 從單純應用價廉感應器和實時監察智能供水網絡,到應用人工 智能和預測各種未知情況,以至潛在極端狀況的風險管理,創 新的知識管理不但可改變水資源管理,使流程和服務質素發揮 最大的效益,同時亦能提升員工的專業水平,以及促進員工和 社會的參與。 Knowledge Management Technology, innovation and knowledge management are key to inform sound policies, processes and services, as well as contribute to supporting capacity building initiatives. From the simple utilisation of low-cost sensors and real-time monitoring of smart water networks, to the application of artificial intelligence and prediction for a range of future scenarios and potential extreme events for crisis management, innovative knowledge management can transform water resources governance to achieve the best possible optimisation of processes and services, enhance competencies, as well as increase staff and community engagement. 弦動 Inspire 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 85