WSD Annual Report 2021/22

加強知識轉移和職業規劃的知識管理平台 為促進知識共享,我們的一站式知識管理平台「點聚」,整合 了與水務相關資訊和即將舉行培訓活動和課程,讓員工能規劃 自己的專業發展,提高培訓效率和整體的工作能力。 年內,為保持知識共享及適時回顧有關工作的知識,我們於「點 聚」增加了可觀看影片的容量,讓員工能更新、分享和觀看更 多有關培訓和經驗分享的短片。 除了網上報名的培訓課程外,「點聚」新推出的培訓活動管理 系統,亦可讓員工檢索個人培訓記錄,並提供證書到期和更新 提示。這些新功能不僅讓員工有效地規劃自己的學習旅程,同 時亦促進水務署對「水務專業學院」的管理。 Enhance KM Portal for Knowledge Transfer and Career Planning As the focal point of waterworks-related materials and upcoming training events and courses, our onestop KM Portal facilitates knowledge sharing and enables staff to plan for their professional development, thereby enhancing training efficiency and overall work capability. During the year, to sustain knowledge sharing and facilitate timely review of work knowledge, we have increased the video viewing capacity in the KM Portal to feature more training and experience-sharing videos for easy updates, sharing and access. In addition to the online enrollment of training courses, the new training activity management system in the KM Portal enables the retrieval of personal training records and provides staff with reminders on certificate expiry and renewal. These new enhancements enable our staff to effectively plan for their learning journeys and facilitates the administration of the WSD AQUA-DEMY. 水務署榮幸躋身享負盛名的二零二一 年「全球最具創新力知識 型機構大獎」和二零二一年「香港最具創新力知識型機構大獎」 得獎機構,表揚我們在知識管理實施和創新方面的表現和貢獻。 這些獎項,表揚企業持續實踐知識培養,並將知識轉化為卓越 產品、服務和解決方案。當中包括變革型領導、賦予知識型員 工創新、實踐知識來達致知識創新,及以實施創新理念來為持 份者創造價值。 In recognition of our contribution and performance in knowledge management implementation and innovation, the WSD was honoured as one of the winners at the prestigious Global Most Innovative Knowledge Enterprise (MIKE) Award 2021 and Hong Kong MIKE Award 2021. These awards commend enterprises’ sustainable practices in cultivating and converting their knowledge into superior products, services and solutions through transformative leadership, empowerment of knowledge workers for innovation, enforcement of knowledge practices for knowledge creation, as well as implementation of creative concepts for stakeholder value creation. 助理署長/ 發展馬漢榮先生代表水務署領取二零二一年香港最 具創新力知識型機構大獎。 Mr MA Hon-wing, Wilson, Assistant Director/Development, received the Hong Kong MIKE Award 2021 on behalf of the WSD. 培訓工日 Training Man-days 財政年度 Financial Year 19/20 20/21 21/22 培訓工日 Training Man-days 8 666 *5 532 9 977 員工培訓 二零二一至二二年度,我們提供了9 977 個員工培訓工日。 Staff Training In 2021/22, we provided 9 977 man-days of training. * 在二零一九冠狀病毒病疫情下,面授培訓課程的人數受限 或需要長時間暫停。 *In-person training courses were highly restricted or suspended for a prolonged period during the COVID-19 epidemic. 創新知識管理備受國際認可 International Recognition for Innovative Knowledge Management 弦動 Inspire 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 86