WSD Annual Report 2021/22

員工嘉許認可和活動 員工嘉許認可和獎項 獎項和嘉許印證我們的出色表現,鼓舞團隊再接再厲,再下一 城。今年,我們的員工和工程項目繼往開來,員工出眾的表現 和水務署對行業的專業貢獻再次受到嘉許,得獎如下: Staff Recognition and Activities Staff Recognition and Awards Award and appreciation are a testament to our outstanding performance boosting our motivation and inspiring team for further success. This year, our staff and projects were once again commended for their outstanding performance and professional contributions to the industry. These include the following: • 申訴專員公署頒發之2021 年申訴專員嘉許獎(公營機構獎) 及2 位同事榮獲申訴專員嘉許獎(公職人員獎) • Grand Award of Ombudsman’s Awards 2021 for Public Organisations and two of our officers were given Individual Awards • 11 名人員榮獲行政長官公共服務獎狀 • 2 名人員獲頒2021 年公務員事務局局長嘉許狀 • 11 officers received Chief Executive’s Commendation for Government/Public Service • 2 officers received The Secretary for the Civil Service's Commendation Award 2021 弦動 Inspire 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 89