WSD Annual Report 2021/22

安達臣道中水處理廠項目憑藉為香港帶來裨益、項目成本益效、可持續性,以及切合於香港高密度高樓大樓 的新發展區,榮獲Chris Binnie持續水務管理大獎。 獎項旨在表揚世界各地在土木工程和可持續水資源管理方面的傑出成就。項目位於前安達臣道石礦場,為 30 000 人口提供實地處理的中水來作沖廁用途,解決高地勢及遠離海邊而導致無法使用海水沖廁的問題。 The Anderson Road Grey Water Treatment Plant project was awarded the Chris Binnie Award for Sustainable Water Management for its benefits, value of money, sustainability and versatile application to new dense highrise developments in Hong Kong. The Award aims to recognise outstanding achievements in civil engineering and sustainable water management around the world. The project supplies onsite treated grey water for toilet flushing for the population of 30 000 at the former Anderson Road Quarry site and solved the problem - caused by its high altitude and distance from the seashore – of using seawater for toilet flushing. 體育比賽 水務署體育隊聯同發展局不同部門的同事,參加建造業議會籃 球聯賽2021,並勇奪亞軍。 Sports Competitions The WSD team joined with colleagues of other departments from the Development Bureau to compete in the Construction Industry Council Basketball Tournament 2021 and won the first runner-up title. Project Development of Anderson Road Quarry Site — Construction of Grey Water Treatment Plant Award Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) — 2021 Chris Binnie Award for Sustainable Water Management 項目 安達臣道石礦場用地發展 — 中水處理廠建造工程 獎項 英國土木工程師學會 — 2021 年Chris Binnie持續水務 管理大獎 弦動 Inspire 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 90