WSD Annual Report 2021/22

「惜水大使計劃」始於二零一八年十月,透過一系 列教育和培訓活動,培養保護水資源的學生大使, 推廣節約用水的良好習慣。超過200 名來自中學和 大專院校的學生曾獲委任為「惜水大使」。 由於計劃反應熱烈,我們便於二零二一/二二學年 再接再厲,與一眾「KOL」(網絡紅人)緊密合作, 繼續推行「惜水大使」計劃。我們邀請人氣KOL 擔 任計劃導師,舉辦網上工作坊,培訓學生大使成為 推廣惜水文化KOL,透過發佈社交媒體宣傳和製作 短片,向其家人和朋友宣傳節約用水。 Established in October 2018, the “Cherish Water Ambassador” Scheme was launched to develop student ambassadors to protect precious water resources and promote good habits of water conservation through a series of educational and training activities. More than 200 students from secondary schools and tertiary institutions were recruited as “Cherish Water Ambassadors”. With encouraging feedback, we continued the “Cherish Water Ambassador” scheme in the 2021/22 academic year in close collaboration with “KOLs” (Key Opinion Leaders). Popular KOLs were invited as scheme instructors to hold online workshops and groom student ambassadors as KOLs for promoting water conservation to family and friends by means of effective social media promotion proposals and video production. 「惜水大使計劃2021-22」KOL計劃 "Cherish Water Ambassador Scheme 2021-22" KOL Scheme 為使節約用水的訊息更具吸引力,提高巿民的慳水 意識,名人歐陽偉豪博士(Ben Sir)寓教於樂,設 計一系列可應用於日常生活的節水小貼士,並透過 社交媒體、網站、出版物和戶外場地等不同媒界廣 泛傳揚這些節約用水小貼士。 To enhance the appeal of the water-saving messages and raise public awareness of water conservation, a suite of water-saving tips for different daily life applications using edutainment approach are designed and promoted by the popular celebrity Au Yeung Wai Hoo (Ben Sir). These water-saving tips are widely disseminated through different media covering social media, website, publications and outdoor spots. 抽水俠Ben Sir 醒你慳水小貼士 Water Saving tips from Word Jacker (Ben Sir) 弦動 Inspire 水務署 二零二一至二二年年報 WSD Annual Report 2021/22 92