WSD Annual Report 2022/23


目 錄 Table of Contents 固本拓源 水澤永延 水務署為改善市民未來的福祉、供水保障及客戶體 驗,不斷提升水資源應變力及持續創新。我們利用 先進技術及可持續的資產管理,實現水資源多元化 並擴展智慧水務及增加使用可再生能源,協助建設 智慧用水城市;為優化水務管理,建設穩健的水務 設施、管網及能力;透過傳承知識和發展合作,推 廣精明及安全運用水資源,以應對氣候變化、需求 上升及碳中和所帶來的嚴峻挑戰。 SCALING UP WATER RESILIENCE FOR FUTURE LIVELIHOODS At the Water Supplies Department, we advance water resilience and sustain innovations for enhancing future livelihoods, water security and customer experience. Leveraging advanced technologies and sustainable asset management, we diversify water resources and expand smart waterworks and renewable energies for a water-smart city; build robust infrastructure, networks and capacity for optimised waterworks management; as well as foster knowledge and collaborative actions for the wise and safety use of water resources against the acute challenges of climate change, increasing demand and carbon neutrality. 04 05 11 持續進步 Sustain 16 86 87 96 109 全力支持 Support 升級開拓 Scale up 財務及水費 FINANCE AND WATER CHARGES 114 128 數據一覽 DATA SUMMARY 135 附錄 APPENDICES 17 40 63 82 署長的話 Director 's Statement 關於我們 Our Profile 全面水資源管理 Total Water Management 食水安全及供水可靠性 Water Safety and Reliability 可持續運作 Operational Sustainability 客戶服務 Customer Services 我們的員工 Our People 我們的社區 Our Community 放眼世界 Our Global Network

水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 3 在滿足客戶對優質供水服務的需求 時,務求有卓越之表現。 To excel in satisfying customers’ needs for the provision of quality water services. 使命 抱負 Vision Mission 信念 Values • 以最符合成本效益的方式為客戶提供可靠 充足的優質食水及海水。 To provide a reliable and adequate supply of wholesome potable water and sea water to our customers in the most cost-effective way. • 提供以客戶為本的服務。 To adopt a customer-oriented approach in our services. • 維持及激勵一隊能幹、高效率及完全投入 的工作隊伍,以服務社群。 To maintain and motivate an effective, efficient and committed workforce to serve the community. 以客為本 確保質量 重視環保 竭盡所能 精益求精 同心協力 Customer satisfaction Reliability Environmental awareness Dedication I mprovement Teamwork • 時刻關注對保護環境方面須負的責任。 To remain conscious of our responsibilities towards the environment. • 善用資源和科技,力求不斷改善服務。 To make the best use of resources and technology in our striving for continuous improvement in services.

持續進 步 SUSTAIN Transforming Hong Kong into a water-smart city with resilience, innovation and sustainability 透過應變力、創新及可持續發展, 將香港打造成為智慧用水都市 從積極開拓新水源、將智慧解決方 案融入策略規劃和資產管理,到致 力逐步擴展智慧水務,在水塘安裝 浮動太陽能發電場,以及凝聚各界 力量和透過不同方案,應對未來的 各項供水挑戰。 From pioneering new approaches to diversify water resources and integrating smart solutions holistically into strategy planning and asset management; to our endeavours in progressively expanding smart waterworks, implementing floating solar farms on reservoirs as well as inspiring collaborative actions and solutions to address future water challenges.

署長的話 DIRECTOR’S STATEMENT 「憑藉培育創新文化,逐步採以先進技術,香港 的供水應變能力已顯著提升,配合未來的生活方 式,實現智慧用水的願景。透過落實「全面水資 源管理策略」,不斷改進政策、基礎設施、供水 網絡、能力提升及技術,我們正引領供水行業踏 上轉型之路,以確保應變能力、創新及可持 續性。」 “By fostering a culture of innovation and progressively adopting of advanced technologies, we have significantly enhanced water resilience to support future livelihoods and realise our vision of a water-smart Hong Kong. Through our holistic “Total Water Management Strategy”and ongoing enhancements in policies, infrastructure, networks, capacity building and technologies, we are leading the transformation of the water supply sector to ensure resilience, innovation and sustainability.” 邱國鼎工程師太平紳士 水務署署長 Ir YAU Kwok-ting, Tony, JP Director of Water Supplies

Director’ s Statement 署 長 的 話 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 6 世界各地城市均竭力應對氣候變化的影響,大灣區城市亦不例 外。氣候變化的影響包括氣溫上升、乾旱、洪水及極端風暴頻發, 繼而對水量及水質造成影響。氣候變化影響加速來襲,加上市民 的用水習慣在二零一九冠狀病毒病疫情後發生變化、人口增長、 北部都會區及交椅洲人工島等新發展項目動工,用水需求節節攀 升,香港極需一套兼具可持續與創新的綜合水務管理方法。 憑藉培育創新文化,逐步採以先進技術,香港的供水應變能力已 顯著提升,配合未來的生活方式,實現智慧用水的願景。透過落 實「全面水資源管理策略」,不斷改進政策、基礎設施、供水網 絡、能力提升及技術,我們正引領供水行業踏上轉型之路,以確 保應變能力、創新及可持續性。 創新水資源管理,護航未來生活 近年,受氣候變化影響,香港和東江流域的集水量愈來愈難預 測。此外,二零一九冠狀病毒病疫情促使市民更注重個人及公共 衞生,改變用水習慣,導致全年食水用量由疫情前二零一九年的 9.96 億立方米,增至二零二二年的 10.66 億立方米,短短三年間 增加了 7 000 萬立方米。為滿足用水量上升的需求,我們輸入了 8.10 億立方米東江水,此供水量已接近現行《東江供水協議》規 定的每年供水8.2 億立方米的上限。為遏制用水需求增長趨勢, 實現分別在二零三零年前及二零四零年前將食水用量減少 10% 及約 11% 的目標,我們正在推行各種需求管理措施。 Cities worldwide, including those in the Greater Bay Area, are grappling with the effects of climate change, such as rising temperatures, droughts, flooding, and more frequent extreme storms are impacting water quantity and water quality. These accelerating impacts of climate change, coupled with increased water demand resulting from the change of water-using habits after the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing population, as well as the new developments like the Northern Metropolis and Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands, have highlighted the urgent need for sustainable, innovative and integrated water management approaches. By fostering a culture of innovation and progressively adopting advanced technologies, we have significantly enhanced water resilience to support future livelihoods and realise our vision of a water-smart Hong Kong. Through our holistic “Total Water Management Strategy” and ongoing enhancements in policies, infrastructure, networks, capacity building and technologies, we are leading the transformation of the water supply sector to ensure resilience, innovation and sustainability. INNOVATIVE WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT FOR FUTURE LIVELIHOODS In recent years, the impact of climate change have made water yield in both Hong Kong and the Dongjiang River Basin increasingly unpredictable. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed people's water-using behaviour in strengthening personal and public hygiene, resulting in a significant increase in the annual fresh water consumption from 996 million m3 in 2019 before the pandemic to 1 066 million m3 in 2022, a rise of 70 million m3 in just three years. To meet this increased demand, we have imported 810 million m3 of Dongjiang water which is approaching the annual supply ceiling of 820 million m3 in the current Dongjiang Water Supply Agreement. To curb the water demand growth and achieve our goal of reducing fresh water consumption by 10% by 2030 and approximately 11% by 2040, we are implementing various demand management measures.

Director’ s Statement 署 長 的 話 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 7 In addition to managing demand growth, we have made good progress in enhancing water supply resilience through the diversified portfolio of water resources and the utilisation of various applications, including desalinated water for potable use and recycled water (viz reclaimed water, treated grey water and harvested rainwater) for non-potable uses. We are pressing ahead in full steam with the commissioning of the First Stage of Tseung Kwan O Desalination Plant in December 2023 to provide Hong Kong people with an extra potable water resource which is not susceptible to climate change impact. Utilising state-of-the-art reverse osmosis technology, the new Desalination Plant will be a top-class, climate-proof infrastructure with an annual production capacity of 50 million m3, accounting for five per cent of total fresh water supply in Hong Kong. We are now planning the second stage and have commenced the design works, which aims to double its capacity to 100 million m3 per annum in the future. In conjunction with desalinated water, we are developing infrastructure to supply recycled water for non-potable uses such as toilet flushing and street cleansing. We are currently constructing the Shek Wu Hui Water Reclamation Plant, along with Hong Kong’s first-ever reclaimed water distribution system, which will have a production capacity of up to 22 million m3 of reclaimed water each year. The supply of reclaimed water in Sheung Shui, Fanling and new development areas (NDAs) such as Kwu Tung North and Fanling North will commence in phases starting from 2024. Furthermore, grey water treated through our award-winning sustainable recycling system will be reused in the Development of Anderson Road Quarry site starting in phases from the end of 2024. This pioneering district-based grey water recycling initiative promotes localised water reuse, reduces sewage discharge and minimises energy consumption. It serves as a cornerstone for expanding the reuse of grey water in Hong Kong in the future. Where technically feasible, we plan to further extend the use of recycled water in all NDAs or inland areas that are distant from the seafront. As part of our cost-effective and energy-efficient non-potable water applications, we are planning to expand the application of recycled water to district cooling systems in NDAs. To expand the coverage of the seawater supply networks, we are extending them to Tung Chung New Town and its extension for toilet flushing purpose. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies, we aim to increase the coverage of the salt water and recycled water supply networks from the current 85% of the total population to 90% in the long run. With the phased completion of the above milestone infrastructure projects from 2023 to 2024, we are entering into a new era of climateresilient water supplies with enhanced water security. 除了控制需求增長外,我們亦透過利用多元化的水資源,包括淡 化海水作飲用用途和循環再用水(即再造水、重用中水和回收雨 水)作非飲用用途,在提升供水應變能力方面取得良好進展。二 零二三年十二月,將軍澳海水化淡廠第一期將會投入運作,全力 為香港市民提供不受氣候變化影響的新食水資源。該廠採用最新 的逆滲透技術,年產量可達 5 000 萬立方米,佔香港總食水供應 量的百分之五,是能夠抵禦氣候變化的頂級基礎設施。我們亦正 規劃項目的第二期,並已展開設計工作,力求日後可令產量倍 增,達到每年 1 億立方米。 與此同時,我們正在發展基礎設施,供應循環再用水作沖廁及清 潔街道等非飲用用途。我們正興建石湖墟再造水廠及香港首個 再造水配水系統,該項目每年生產的再造水將高達 2 200 萬立方 米。自二零二四年起,將分階段向上水、粉嶺、古洞北和粉嶺北 等新發展區供應再造水。此外,安達臣道石礦場用地發展項目率 先採用獲獎的可持續中水重用系統,並將自二零二四年底開始分 階段供應經處理的中水。這項區域性舉措促進當區中水重用,減 少廢水排放及可將能耗減至最低,為香港日後擴大中水重用奠下 基礎。在技術可行的情況下,我們計劃進一步擴大循環再用水的 應用範圍至所有新發展區或遠離海傍的內陸地區。為實現具成本 和能源效益的非食水應用,我們正計劃擴大循環再用水的應用範 圍至新發展區的區域供冷系統。 我們將海水供應網絡的範圍擴大至東涌新市鎮及其擴展區,增加 使用海水沖廁的覆蓋範圍。我們將利用先進技術,力求提升海水 和循環再用水的供應網絡覆蓋率,由目前佔香港總人口的 85% 至長遠目標 90%。隨著上述的重要基礎設施項目於二零二三年 至二零二四年逐步竣工,我們將進入對氣候影響具抗禦力和提升 供水保障的新時代。

Director’ s Statement 署 長 的 話 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 8 INTEGRATING SMART SOLUTIONS FOR EFFICIENT AND SUSTAINABLE ASSET MANGEMENT We remain committed to investing in our waterworks infrastructure and networks to foster technology innovation, enhance climate adaptation and improve operational efficiency and reliability for smart water management while contributing to carbon neutrality. We are dedicated to enhance operational efficiency across various aspects of our water supply systems. Building upon the successful pilot of digital twins for real-time monitoring and operation scenario simulation, we have increased the deployment from system operations and service enhancements to product development and incident management. We are also progressing with the establishment of Water Intelligent Network to further optimise the performance of our smart water systems. During the year, several strategic planning and enhancement works were carried out to ensure the provision of high-quality and reliable water supplies. One notable project is the improvement of Dongjiang water mains P4 at Sheung Shui and Fanling. This project involves the replacement of large, ageing underground water pipes, showcasing the Water Supplies Department’s commitment to adopting innovative technologies and fostering collaborative partnerships. These efforts aim to enhance management efficiency, achieve cost-saving and expedite the resumption of water mains services during the challenging times of pandemic period. To support the strategic growth of the Northern Metropolis, we are currently exploring the construction of a new Water Treatment Works within New Territories North New Town to meet the growing demand of fresh water. Additionally, we are planning the construction of a strategic trunk main to utilise a portion of the water supply capacity of the Tai Po Water Treatment Works to address the fresh water needs in the North District. 融合智能方案,實現高效可持續資產管理 我們仍致力投資水務設施和網絡,促進技術創新,增強氣候適應 能力,提高運作效率和可靠性,實現智慧水務管理,同時為碳中 和作出貢獻。 我們努力提高供水系統各個方面的運作效率。隨著「數碼分身」 先導計劃順利實施,我們能實時監測和模擬系統運作情景,在此 基礎上,我們將部署範圍由系統運作和服務提升擴大至產品開發 和事故管理。我們亦逐步建立「智管網」,進一步優化智能水務 系統的表現。 年內,我們開展多項策略性規劃及改善工程,確保供水品質及可 靠性。其中一個值得注意的項目是上水及粉嶺東江水水管 P4 改 善工程。該工程涉及更換大型、老化的地下水管,反映水務署採 用創新技術和建立合作夥伴關係的決心。透過種種努力,在充滿 挑戰的疫情期間,仍能達至提高管理效率,節省成本,及加快恢 復水管服務的目標。 為配合北部都會區的策略性發展,我們正研究在新界北的新市鎮 增建一座濾水廠,以滿足日益增長的食水需求。此外,我們正計 劃興建一條策略性幹管,利用大埔濾水廠的部分供水能力,滿足 北區的食水需求。

Director’ s Statement 署 長 的 話 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 9 我們亦透過發展可再生能源及優化資產,積極推行減碳措施。隨 著在石壁水塘、船灣淡水湖和大欖涌水塘成功落實浮動太陽能板 發電系統先導計劃,我們正逐步計劃在香港各個水塘建造大型浮 動太陽能板發電場。這些發電場將運用約 10% 的塘面面積。未 來數年,我們計劃分別在船灣淡水湖及新界東南堆填區建造兩座 大型太陽能發電場,預定於二零二六年投入運作,預計每年產 電量分別可達 6 百萬度電和 1 千萬度電,不但可抵銷本署的耗電 量,更有助政府達致碳中和目標。我們長遠計劃提升可再生能源 產能,目標是在二零三五年開始年產量達 1 億6 千萬度電。 ENHANCING CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE THROUGH IMPROVED SERVICES Through the integration of emerging technologies, we are expediting several enhancements to provide our customers with more convenient, responsive and flexible services. These include upgrading our current electronic platform to an integrated Digital Water Supply Application Management System, which will process service requests from the public and various water supply applications from the trade; developing conversational voice bot with speech recognition and workflow automation systems for enhancing our enquiry hotline services; introducing artificial intelligence chatbot to the WSD website for providing customers with fast access to information and support; as well as extending the scope of the notification service of the Water Supply Suspension Notification System from fresh water to flushing water to the management offices of the affected large housing estates. To support customers in their pursuit of smart living and cost saving, we are providing an easy access to wired Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) for customers in new developments. This will enable them to remotely monitor their water consumption through the mobile app of the smart meter. Looking ahead, we will extend this service to customers in existing buildings once the installation of wireless smart meters is completed. We are also actively pursuing decarbonisation measures by developing renewable energy sources and optimising our assets. Building upon the successful pilots of implementing floating photovoltaic systems at the Shek Pik Reservoir, Plover Cove Reservoir and Tai Lam Chung Reservoir, we are now progressively planning to establish large-scale floating solar farms at impounding reservoirs in Hong Kong. These solar farms will utilise approximately 10% of the reservoir water surface area. In coming years, we have set out plans for installing two large-scale solar farms: one at the Plover Cove Reservoir and the other at the South East New Territories (SENT) Landfill. Scheduled to be commissioned in 2026, these solar farms are expected to generate about 6 and 10 gigawatt-hours per year (GWh/year) of renewable energy respectively, which will not only offset the Department’s energy consumption but also contribute to the Government’s target of achieving carbon neutrality. Our long-term plan is to increase the renewable energy generation capacity to approximately 160 GWh/year starting from 2035. 透過改善服務提升客戶體驗 為了向客戶提供更方便、適時和靈活的服務,我們利用創新科 技,加快完善多項服務,包括將現有的電子平台升級為一個綜合 數碼化申請供水管理系統,以處理公眾服務申請和業界的供水申 請;開發具有語音識別和工作流程自動化系統的對話式語音機器 人,提升客戶諮詢熱線服務;引入人工智能聊天機器人至水務署 網頁,迅速為客戶提供資訊和支援;以及將向受影響的大型屋苑 管理處提供的「暫停供水自動通知系統」的通知服務範圍由食水 擴展至沖廁水。 為配合客戶對智慧生活及節約成本的追求,我們在新發展項目中 引入便捷的有線智能水錶。客戶可透過手機應用程式遙距監察用 水量。展望前路,當安裝相關無線智能水錶完成,我們會擴展應 用智能水錶至現有建築物的客戶。

Director’ s Statement 署 長 的 話 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 10 INSPIRING COLLABORATIVE ACTIONS FOR A WATER-SMART FUTURE Capacity building and partnership are crucial for building a resilient water system. We strive to create an enabling environment that fosters innovation in resource, asset, and service enhancements and inspires collaborative actions to transform Hong Kong into a water-smart city. We encourage concerted efforts to make a positive impact on water sustainability: from promoting water conservation through public education campaigns and the “Cherish Water Campus” Integrated Education Programme; nurturing “Cherish Water Ambassadors” in schools; enhancing professional skills in smart water management at the Q-Leak underground water mains leak detection centre, and enabling continuing professional development in collaboration with industry and educational institutes; to our endeavours in building collaborative platform for enterprise commitment via the ECH2O - Enterprises Cherish Water Campaign; developing Research & Development (R&D) collaborations with local and international organisations; enhancing communications at community level; exchanging sustainable water practices and innovations with our counterparts in the Greater Bay Area; and contributing insights and solutions that add value to the work of other leading water utilities abroad. We are delighted to witness the remarkable success of ECH2O - Enterprises in achieving a significant five per cent reduction in water consumption just within a year and that we are empowered and recognised with prestigious awards such as the "Global Most Innovative Knowledge Enterprise (MIKE) Award" and the "Hong Kong MIKE Award” for two consecutive years. Taking this opportunity, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all our colleagues for their resilience, dedication and professionalism in delivering an outstanding service during this challenging year. With our ongoing water innovations and the collaborative partnerships we have established both locally and internationally, I firmly believe that we can overcome all the challenges ahead and transform Hong Kong into a water-smart and water-secure city. Ir YAU Kwok-ting, Tony, JP Director of Water Supplies 邱國鼎工程師太平紳士 水務署署長 同心協力,共創智慧用水未來 人才培育及夥伴關係對構建具應變能力的供水系統至關重要。我 們致力創造有利環境,促進在資源、資產和服務提升方面的創 新,倡導攜手共進,令香港成為智慧用水城市。 我們鼓勵社會各界同心協力,為水資源的可持續發展作出正面 影響:由開展公眾教育活動和「惜水學堂」教育計劃推廣節 約用水;在校園培育「惜水大使」;提升地下水管測漏中心 「Q-Leak」智能水務管理的專業技能,與業界和教育機構合作, 推動持續專業發展;以至透過 ECH2O -「商約」惜水運動,為 工商機構提供協作平台;與本地和國際組織進行研發合作;加 強社區層面的溝通;與大灣區的同業進行可持續水務和創新方 面的交流;以及分享見解及解決方案,與海外其他領先水務行 業優勢互補。 我們欣然看到 ECH2O -「商約」惜水運動取得驕人成果,短短一 年間令用水量減少百分之五。我們連續兩年榮獲「全球最具創新 力知識型機構大獎」及「香港最具創新力知識型機構大獎」,我 們的表現備受獎項肯定及深受鼓舞。 藉此機會,我衷心感謝所有同事在過去一年緊守崗位,堅毅不屈 發揮專業精神,克服種種挑戰,提供卓越服務。我堅信,憑藉持續 創新及在本地和國際建立的合作關係,我們定能克服面前的各種 挑戰,令香港轉化成一個能夠智慧用水及擁有食水安全的城市。

部門總覽 Corporate Profile 穩定而優質的供水,對本港居民的生活不可或缺,同時亦是支 持本港可持續發展的關鍵要素。香港特別行政區政府水務署的 職責是維持供水可靠優質。 本港17 個水塘集水區收集的本地雨水約佔香港總食水用量20% 至30%,餘下部分的原水由廣東省的東江輸入,兩者均會經過 嚴格處理及監測,確保食水水質符合香港食水標準。此外,自 一九五零年代以來,我們充分利用香港近海的地理優勢,將海 水用作沖廁用途。食水及海水由兩個完全獨立的供水系統供應, 透過龐大的配水庫和水管網絡,配送至各家各戶及商用物業。 為確保香港供水穩健及具應變能力,我們繼續妥善管理水務 資產以維持其健康狀況,以及透過海水化淡及循環再用水等 技術開拓新水源,進一步提升香港的供水保障及應對氣候變 化的能力。 作為香港最大的能源用戶之一,我們已實施相關措施,透過應 用創新科技、開發可再生能源及提升能源效益,致力減少碳足 跡。我們亦是香港特區政府首個獲得ISO 50001:2011 能源管理 系統認證的部門。 我們的抱負是滿足客戶對優質供水服務的需求。為此,我們的 人員致力與持份者合作及提供以客為本的服務,確保客戶獲得 最具效率及優質的服務。 Reliable and quality water supplies are indispensable to the lives and livelihoods of the people in Hong Kong, and are critical for supporting the territory's sustainable development. The Water Supplies Department (WSD) of the Hong Kong SAR Government is charged with the responsibility of maintaining reliable and quality water supplies. Approximately 20% to 30% of Hong Kong's fresh water supply comes from the local yield collected in catchment areas of the territory's 17 impounding reservoirs while the remaining raw water comes from Dongjiang in the Guangdong Province. Both the local yield and imported Dongjiang water are subject to stringent treatment and monitoring to ensure that the quality of treated water meets the Hong Kong Drinking Water Standards. Moreover, since the 1950s, we have taken full advantage of Hong Kong's geographic proximity to the ocean to adopt salt water for flushing purposes. Fresh water and salt water are supplied through two entirely separate supply systems. Our extensive array of service reservoirs and water mains provide these supplies for distribution to homes and commercial developments. To ensure the sustainability and resilience of Hong Kong's water supplies, we continue to manage our asset to sustain their health and develop new sources of water including desalination and recycled water. These additional sources of water will give Hong Kong enhanced water security and the ability to adapt to climate change. As one of the city's largest energy consumers, we have implemented measures to reduce our carbon footprint as much as possible by adopting innovation and technology, developing renewable energy and enhancing energy efficiency. We are the first Hong Kong SAR Government department to obtain the ISO 50001:2011 Energy Management System certification. Our vision is to excel in meeting our customers' needs for quality water services. With this in mind, our committed workforce has collaborated with stakeholders and adopted a customer-oriented approach to ensure that our customers receive the most efficient and high-quality services. Our Profile 關 於 我 們 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 11

水務署署長 Director of Water Supplies 發展(1) 部 Development (1) Division 發展(2) 部 Development (2) Division 水質科學部 Water Science Division 水質 ( 標準及監測) 組 Water Quality (Standards and Monitoring) Unit 水安全計劃及 品質管理系統組 Water Safety Plan and Quality System Unit 內部稽核組 Internal Audit Section 部門行政部 Departmental Administration Division 一般行政組 General Administration Section 公共關係組 Public Relations Unit 發展科 Development Branch 水務署副署長 Deputy Director of Water Supplies 特別職務組 Special Duty Unit 組織/系統檢討組 Organisation/ System Review Unit 服務管理╱資訊系統 Services Management / Information Systems 財務科 Finance Branch 財務部 Finance Section 客戶帳務組 Customer Accounts Section 抄錶組 Meter Reading Section 物料供應組 Supplies Section 資訊科技工程 計劃管理及覆檢組 Information Technology Project Management and Review Unit 機械及電機科 Mechanical and Electrical Branch 工程計劃部 Projects Division 保養部 Maintenance Division 機械及電機行政組 Mechanical and Electrical Administration Unit 技術拓展組 Technical Development Unit 安全組 Safety Unit 資訊科技管理組 Information Technology Management Unit 立法檢討組 Legislative Review Unit 新界東區 New Territories East Region 新界西區 New Territories West Region 技術支援部 Technical Support Division 供應及 分配(新界)科 Supply and Distribution (New Territories) Branch 香港及離島區 Hong Kong and Islands Region 九龍區 Kowloon Region 運作組 Operations Section 水塘安全組 Reservoir Safety Section 斜坡安全組 Slope Safety Sections 工料測量組 Quantity Surveying Section 供應及 分配(市區)科 Supply and Distribution (Urban) Branch 設計及建設科 New Works Branch 設計部 Design Division 建設部 Construction Division 顧問工程管理部 Consultants Management Division 工程管理部 Project Management Division 合約顧問組 Contract Advisory Unit Our Profile 關 於 我 們 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 12

即使面對社會逐漸演變的用水需要和氣候變化加劇帶來 的挑戰,水務署多年來一直堅守使命,為香港提供優質 可靠的供水服務。從過去到現在,我們一直致力將香港 打造成為智慧用水城市。我們促進完善的水務管理及技 術發展,把握每個機會推陳出新,提升水資源應變力及 支持本地及海外的水務行業,從而改善市民未來的福 祉、供水保障和客戶服務。 Over the years, the WSD has steadfastly upheld its mission to provide reliable and quality water services in Hong Kong amidst the challenges of evolving society’s needs and accelerating impacts of climate change. From the past to the present, we are committed to building Hong Kong into a water-smart city. Through fostering robust water governance and technological prowess, we have capitalised every opportunity in sustaining water innovations, scaling up resilience and supporting the water sector in Hong Kong and abroad for enhancing future livelihoods, water security and customer services. 1 邱工程師自二零二三年一月四日起出任水務署署長。 2 馬先生自二零二二年十一月十四日起出任助理署長╱財務。 1 Ir YAU was appointed Director of Water Supplies on 4 January 2023. 2 Mr MA was appointed Assistant Director/Finance on 14 November 2022. 彭愛玲工程師 Ir PANG Oi-ling, Irene 助理署長/ 設計及建設 Assistant Director/New Works 曹炳豪工程師 Ir CHO Ping ho 助理署長/ 機械及電機 Assistant Director / Mechanical & Electrical 馬靝珤先生2 Mr MA Tin-po, Martin2 助理署長/ 財務 Assistant Director/ Finance 邱國鼎工程師, 太平紳士1 Ir YAU Kwok-ting, Tony, JP1 水務署署長 Director of Water Supplies 周世威工程師, 太平紳士 Ir CHAU Sai-wai, JP 水務署副署長 Deputy Director of Water Supplies 勞淑儀女士 Ms LO Shuk-yi 部門秘書 Departmental Secretary 鍾永基工程師 Ir CHUNG Wing-kee, Philip 助理署長/ 市區 Assistant Director/Urban 馬漢榮工程師 Ir MA Hon-wing, Wilson 助理署長/ 發展 Assistant Director/ Development 尤孝賢工程師 Ir YAU Hau-yin 助理署長/ 新界 Assistant Director/ New Territories 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 13 Our Profile 關 於 我 們

食水水管長度 (直徑20毫米至2 400毫米) Length of Fresh Water Mains (20 mm to 2400 mm diameter) 6 744 公里 km 海水水管長度 (直徑20毫米至1 200毫米) Length of Salt Water Mains (20 mm to 1200 mm diameter) 1 683 公里 km 17 個水塘 No. of Impounding Reservoirs 586 百萬立方米 million m3 總容量 Total Storage Capacity 149 個食水抽水站 (包括食水和原水抽水站及泵 房) No. of Fresh Water Pumping Stations (includes fresh & raw water pumping stations and pump houses) 32.1 百萬立方米/ 日 million m3/day 總抽水量 Total Pumping Capacity 7 個食水及海水抽水站 No. of Combined Fresh Water & Salt Water Pumping Stations 0.3 百萬立方米/ 日 million m3/day 總抽水量 Total Pumping Capacity 179 個食水配水庫 No. of Fresh Water Service Reservoirs 4.4 百萬立方米 million m3 總容量 Total Storage Capacity 55 個海水配水庫 No. of Salt Water Service Reservoirs 0.3 百萬立方米 million m3 總容量 Total Storage Capacity 20 個濾水廠 No. of Water Treatment Works 4.6 百萬立方米/ 日 million m3/day 總濾水量 Total Water Treatment Capacity 35 個海水抽水站 (包括泵房) No. of Salt Water Pumping Stations (includes pump houses) 2.1 百萬立方米/ 日 million m3/day 總抽水量 Total Pumping Capacity 120 公里 km 引水道長度 Length of Catchwater 199 公里 km 輸水隧道長度 Length of Water Tunnel 主要統計數字 (截至二零二三年三月三十一日) Principal Statistics (as of 31 March 2023) Our Profile 關 於 我 們 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 14

財政年度 Financial Year 指標 Indicators 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 食水水質 100%符合香港食水標準* Fresh Water Quality 100% compliance with the Hong Kong Drinking Water Standards* 達到指標 Target achieved 達到指標 Target achieved 達到指標 Target achieved 海水水質 97%符合水務署所定的水質指標** Salt Water Quality 97% compliance with WSD Water Quality Objectives** 達到指標 Target achieved 達到指標 Target achieved 達到指標 Target achieved 食水供水水壓(15至30米)^ Fresh Water Supply Pressure (15 – 30 metres)^ 100% 100% 100% 海水供水水壓(15米)^ Salt Water Supply Pressure (15 metres)^ 100% 100% 100% 因預先計劃進行的工程而暫停供水的時間長度 (98%於八小時內) Water Supply Suspension Duration for Planned Work (98% within 8 hours) 達到指標 Target achieved 達到指標 Target achieved 達到指標 Target achieved 準確水錶的比率98%的偏差程度不超過± 3% *** Proportion of accurate water meters 98% with inaccuracy not exceeding ±3%*** 97.3% 98.4% 98.6% * 水務署自二零一七年九月起開始採用香港食水標準 為指標,而在此之前,則一直採用世界衞生組織制 訂的《飲用水水質準則》為指標。 The Hong Kong Drinking Water Standards have been adopted by the WSD in the target since September 2017. Before that, the World Health Organization's Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality were adopted in the target. ** 此指標於二零一九至二零年度經修訂為「海水水質 ─ 97% 符合水務署所定的水質指標」,二零一八至 一九年度則為「海水水質─ 96% 符合水務署所定的 水質指標」,而二零一七至一八年度所採用的指標為 「海水水質(供水接駁位置)─ 96% 符合水務署所 定的水質指標」。 The target for 2019/20 has been revised as "Salt water quality – 97% compliance with WSD Water Quality Objectives". The target for 2018/19 was "Salt water quality – 96% compliance with WSD Water Quality Objectives". The target in 2017/18 was "Salt water quality (at connection points) – 96% compliance with WSD Water Quality Objectives". *** 此指標將於二零二二至二三年度修訂為「準確水 錶的比率─ 98% 的偏差程度不超過 ± 3%」,二零 二一至二二年度則為「水錶的準確程度─ 100% 的 偏差程度不超過 ± 3%」。 The target for 2022/23 is to be revised as "Proportion of accurate water meters–98% with inaccuracy not exceeding ±3%”. The target for 2021/22 was “Accuracy of water meters–100% with inaccuracy not exceeding ±3%”. ^ 配水系統內(不包括系統盡頭)最低的剩餘水壓。 Minimum residual pressure in the distribution systems except at their extremities. 主要工作表現指標 Key Performance Indicators Our Profile 關 於 我 們 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 15

升級開 拓 SCALE UP 我們善用科技發展和智慧創新,致力 不斷改善供水保障和供水安全,優化 水務資產並增加可持續性,以及為社 會和客戶的不同需要提供高效的增值 服務。 We leverage technological advancements and smart innovations to strive for continuous enhancements in water security and safety, more optimised and sustainable waterworks assets, as well as efficient and value-added services for the diverse needs of our society and customers. Advancing resilience with a forward-looking and holistic approach to water resources, quality and infrastructure management. 以具前瞻性和全面的方式推動水資源、 水質及設施管理,發展應變能力。

全面水資源管理策略 水資源於本港的未來擔當著關鍵促成的角色,它不僅滋養生命萬物,更為家庭和社會經 濟提供動力。然而,隨著社會與經濟急速發展,用水需求日增、氣候變化影響加劇及實 現碳中和的承諾,管理和增加水資源和基礎設施的挑戰性亦與日俱增。為確保本港長遠 享有穩健及具應變力的供水,水務署制定全面的水資源管理策略,務求以智慧和策略性 的方式來管理我們的水資源。 Water plays a key enabling role in our city of the future. It powers homes, economies and nourishes all life. However, with the rapid social and economic development, growing water demand, accelerating impacts of climate change and the commitment to achieving carbon neutrality, managing and expanding water sources and infrastructure have become increasingly challenging. To ensure sustainability and resilience of Hong Kong’s water supplies in the long run, the WSD has formulated a holistic water management strategy for smart and strategic management of our water resources. 全面水資源管理 Total Water Management 自二零零八年推行以來,「全面水資源管理策略」(「策略」) 已成為促進香港社會和經濟發展的可持續用水藍圖。水務署與 國際專家和顧問公司於二零一九年進行「策略」檢討及修訂, 修訂後的「策略」(「策略2019」)採用雙管齊下的方式,著 重控制食水需求增長,以及利用多元化的水資源提升食水供應 的應變能力,以應對氣候變化的極端影響。 「策略2019」亦更新了至二零四零年用水需求和供應的推算方 法及預測。根據政府統計處的預期人口增長情景,並考慮氣候 變化導致每年雨量減少,如在實施用水需求管理措施的前提 下,令每年食水需求量減至10 億立方米內,目前的食水供應將 能應付二零四零年的預測用水需求。 TOTAL WATER MANAGEMENT Implemented since 2008, the Total Water Management Strategy has served as the road map for the sustainable use of water supporting the social and economic development in Hong Kong. Following the review of the Strategy in 2019 conducted with international experts and consultants, the WSD has updated it to adopt a two-pronged approach which focuses on containing water demands and building resilience in the fresh water supply with diversified water resources with a view to addressing the extreme effects of climate change. The 2019 Strategy Review also updated the forecast of water demand and supply methodologies and projections up to 2040. Under the expected population growth scenario provided by the Census and Statistics Department and taken into consideration the annual rainfall reduction due to climate change, the current fresh water supply arrangements will be able to meet the forecast demand up to 2040, provided that the demand management measures are implemented to reduce the annual fresh water demand to within 990 million m3. 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 17 Scale up 升 級 開 拓

1 110 百萬立方米 million m3 990 百萬立方米以下 within million m3 沒有用水需求管理措施的情況下: Without demand management measures: 實施用水需求管理措施的情況下: With demand management measures: 持續監測和檢討 我們修訂「全面水資源管理策略」時,不僅以應變能力、經濟 因素及可持續性等多項準則作為基礎來評估用水需求和供水 管理方案,同時亦參考水務諮詢委員會和其他持份者的意見。 為確保我們能夠應對比預期更嚴峻的情況,我們制定了一系列 後備方案。其中包括興建更多海水化淡設施、擴大水塘容量和 集水區、重啟已停用的濾水廠,以及增加東江水供應。若未來 情況與目前的估算有偏差,我們可以按需要執行合適的後備方 案。 我們亦會定期檢討並修訂「策略2019」,以適時應對用水需求 變化、氣候變化對本地集水的影響,及各種水資源的成本效益、 相關科技發展、可靠性及對環境的影響等。 Continuous Monitoring and Review The Total Water Management Strategy was updated taking into account the evaluation of water demand and water supply management options based on the multiple criteria of resilience, economics and sustainability, as well as the views from the Advisory Committee on Water Supplies and other stakeholders. To ensure our ability to adapt to the worse-than-expected scenarios, a host of backup measures have been formulated. These include building up more desalination capacities, expanding our reservoir capacity and catchment, reactivating mothballed water treatment works and increasing Dongjiang water supply. If the future conditions deviate from our present projections, we can implement appropriate backup measures as necessary. We will conduct regular review of the “Strategy 2019” and update it as needed to make appropriate and timely responses to changes arising from water demand, the effect of climate change on the local yield, as well as the cost-effectiveness, technological development, reliability and environmental impact of various water resources. 至二零四零年之全年食水需求推算 Annual Fresh Water Demand Projection by 2040 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 18 Scale up 升 級 開 拓

水資源 多年來,香港一直享有穩定的供水。香港水資源的三大來源為 本地集水區的雨水、由廣東輸入的東江水及沖廁用海水。 WATER RESOURCES Over the years, Hong Kong has enjoyed a reliable water supply. Hong Kong’s water resources comprise three sources: rainwater from local catchments, imported water from Dongjiang in the Guangdong Province, and salt water for toilet flushing. 1 385 百萬立方米 million m3 總計 Total 二零二二年全港總用水量 Total Water Consumption of Hong Kong in 2022 二零二二年按用水類別劃分的食水用量 Annual Fresh Water Consumption by Sector 2022 本地集水 Local yield 東江水 Dongjiang Water 沖廁用海水 Salt Water for Flushing 19% 23% 58% 用水類別 Sector 食水用量 Fresh Water Consumption 百萬立方米及佔總用量百分比 million m3 and percent of total 住宅用水 Domestic 628 (58.9%) 工業用水 Industrial 57 (5.3%) 服務業及商業用水Service Trades 246 (23.1%) 政府用水Government Establishments 51 (4.8%) 建築及船舶用水Construction & Shipping 22 (2.1%) 臨時淡水沖廁 Flushing 62 (5.8%) 食水總用量Total Fresh Water Consumption 1 066 (100%) 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 19 Scale up 升 級 開 拓

本地集水 儘管香港地勢起伏,但雨水收集和儲存系統完備且覆蓋廣泛。 本地集水從集水區收集而來,大部分集水區均位於受嚴格規管 保護,免受污染的郊野公園內。我們採用多重屏障的原則,在 各集水區監控發展、定期巡查及監測水質的情況,以確保水質 安全。在集水量方面,每年的本地集水量並不穩定,有可能出 現劇烈波動,加上氣候變化的影響,我們預計未來本地集水量 的變動將會更大。 Local Yield Despite the undulating terrain, Hong Kong has developed an extensive rainwater collection and storage system. The local yield is collected in catchment areas, most of which fall within country parks that are well regulated and protected from contamination. We adopt a multiple barrier approach to control development, regularly conduct inspections and monitor water quality in these areas to ensure water safety. In terms of quantity, the local yield is not stable every year, and can be subject to drastic fluctuations. Coupled with the effect of climate change, we foresee even greater fluctuations in the future. 二零一八至二零二二年全年降雨量 Annual Rainfall 2018 – 2022 毫米 millimetres 二零一八至二零二二年全年淨集水量 Annual Net Yield 2018 – 2022 百萬立方米 million m3 年份 Year 400 300 200 100 0 3 500 3 000 2 500 2 000 1 500 1 000 500 0 年份 Year 註:長期平均降雨量為2 431 毫米 Note : Long-term mean rainfall is 2 431 mm 2 395 2 307 2 205 2 396 2 163 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 272 215 202 288 288 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 20 Scale up 升 級 開 拓

東江水 為填補香港本地集水量和用水需求的缺口,我們在粵港供水協 議以統包方式訂明每年供水量上限,並按需要輸入東江水,確 保香港供水穩定而靈活,滿足香港的實際需要。 為回應市民對東江供水按量收費的訴求,於二零二零年十二月 簽訂的現行東江水協議已採用「統包扣減」收費方式,取代以 往協議採用的「統包總額」方式計算,此新收費方式可至少維 持至二零二九年。按二零二一年價格水平,估計在現行協議的 機制下,這九年期間最高節省金額可達 3.24 億港元。 現行協議內的每年基本水價調整增幅為每年 1.33%,普遍地反 映粵港兩地相關消費物價指數和人民幣兌港元匯率的變動。二 零二二年,香港在東江水方面的支出為 49.47 億港元,而二零 二一年的支出為 48.21 億港元。 Dongjiang Water To fill the gap between Hong Kong's local yield and water demand, Dongjiang water is imported as needed with a package deal approach, up to the annual supply ceiling stipulated in the supply agreement between Guangdong and Hong Kong to ensure a stable but flexible supply for meeting the city’s actual needs. In response to the public request for payment based on the quantity of Dongjiang water supplied, the current agreement 2021-2023 signed in December 2020 has adopted a "package deal deductible sum" approach which will be maintained at least up to 2029 and replaced the previous "package deal lump sum" approach. Based on the 2021 price level, it is estimated that the mechanism of the current agreement will bring a maximum saving of HK$324 million under this nine-year period. The annual ceiling water prices in the current agreement will be increased by 1.33% each year, which generally reflects the changes of the relevant consumer price indices of Guangdong and Hong Kong and the exchange rate between the Renminbi and the Hong Kong dollar. In 2022, Hong Kong's expenditure on Dongjiang water was HK$4,947 million, compared to HK$4,821 million paid in 2021. 沖廁用海水 自一九五零年代,香港引入海水沖廁,至今仍是全球少數廣泛 應用這種可持續資源的地方之一,在我們的水資源管理中發 揮著舉足輕重的作用。目前,我們的海水供應網絡覆蓋全港約 85% 的人口,每年供應約 3.2 億立方米海水,節省了同等分量 的食水,約佔香港總用水量的 23%。 使用海水沖廁有助節省珍貴淡水資源,加上供應海水的耗電量 較供應食水的為低,因而可降低生產成本,亦能減少碳排放量。 Salt Water for Flushing Since 1950s, salt water has been introduced in Hong Kong for toilet flushing. Hong Kong is one of the few places in the world extensively applying this sustainable resource which forms an important role in our water management. Currently, our salt water supply network covers about 85% of the Hong Kong population. Every year, about 320 million m3 of seawater is supplied for flushing, conserving an equivalent amount of fresh water which is about 23% of the total water consumption in Hong Kong. Using salt water for flushing not only conserves precious fresh water resources, but also reduces production costs and carbon dioxide emissions arising from lower electricity consumption for supplying salt water than fresh water. 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 21 Scale up 升 級 開 拓

水資源未來的展望 氣候變化、人口和經濟持續增長令食水需求增加,加上大灣區 內對水資源的需求殷切等,皆為我們帶來挑戰。為了讓香港就 迎接這些挑戰做好準備,我們持續開發一些不受氣候變化影響 的新水源,包括淡化海水和循環再用水(即再造水、重用中水 及回收雨水)。 我們將繼續按照經修訂「全面水資源管理策略」的建議,採取 雙管齊下方式,為未來建立多元化的水資源組合。食水資源將 約佔香港總用水量75%,而非飲用的次階水將佔其餘用水量 25%。 Outlook of Future Water Resources To better prepare Hong Kong for the challenges of climate change, the increasing demand for fresh water due to its continuous population and economic growth, as well as the competition for water resources in the Greater Bay Area, we have been developing new water sources that are not susceptible to climate change, including desalinated water and recycled water (viz reclaimed water, treated grey water and harvested rainwater). Following the recommended two-pronged approach under the updated Total Water Management Strategy, we seek to build a diversified portfolio of water resources in future. Fresh water resources will account for about 75% of the total water consumption in Hong Kong while the lower grade water for nonpotable uses will account for the remaining 25% consumption. 二零一八至二零二二年全年食水供應 Annual Quantity of Fresh Water Supply 2018 - 2022 東江水 Dongjiang Water 本地集水 Yield from Hong Kong’s Catchments 二零一八至二零二二年全年日均用量(食水及海水) Total Average Daily Water Consumption (Fresh Water and Salt Water) 2018 - 2022 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 食水 Fresh Water 海水 Salt Water 百萬立方米 million m3 年份 Year 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 0.87 2.92 3.79 0.88 2.89 3.77 0.87 2.81 3.68 3.54 0.76 2.78 0.84 2.73 3.57 1 200 1 000 800 600 400 200 0 百萬立方米 million m3 年份 Year 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 277 736 1 013 278 718 996 225 802 1 027 244 811 1 055 256 810 1 066 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 22 Scale up 升 級 開 拓