WSD Annual Report 2022/23

Director’ s Statement 署 長 的 話 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 10 INSPIRING COLLABORATIVE ACTIONS FOR A WATER-SMART FUTURE Capacity building and partnership are crucial for building a resilient water system. We strive to create an enabling environment that fosters innovation in resource, asset, and service enhancements and inspires collaborative actions to transform Hong Kong into a water-smart city. We encourage concerted efforts to make a positive impact on water sustainability: from promoting water conservation through public education campaigns and the “Cherish Water Campus” Integrated Education Programme; nurturing “Cherish Water Ambassadors” in schools; enhancing professional skills in smart water management at the Q-Leak underground water mains leak detection centre, and enabling continuing professional development in collaboration with industry and educational institutes; to our endeavours in building collaborative platform for enterprise commitment via the ECH2O - Enterprises Cherish Water Campaign; developing Research & Development (R&D) collaborations with local and international organisations; enhancing communications at community level; exchanging sustainable water practices and innovations with our counterparts in the Greater Bay Area; and contributing insights and solutions that add value to the work of other leading water utilities abroad. We are delighted to witness the remarkable success of ECH2O - Enterprises in achieving a significant five per cent reduction in water consumption just within a year and that we are empowered and recognised with prestigious awards such as the "Global Most Innovative Knowledge Enterprise (MIKE) Award" and the "Hong Kong MIKE Award” for two consecutive years. Taking this opportunity, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all our colleagues for their resilience, dedication and professionalism in delivering an outstanding service during this challenging year. With our ongoing water innovations and the collaborative partnerships we have established both locally and internationally, I firmly believe that we can overcome all the challenges ahead and transform Hong Kong into a water-smart and water-secure city. Ir YAU Kwok-ting, Tony, JP Director of Water Supplies 邱國鼎工程師太平紳士 水務署署長 同心協力,共創智慧用水未來 人才培育及夥伴關係對構建具應變能力的供水系統至關重要。我 們致力創造有利環境,促進在資源、資產和服務提升方面的創 新,倡導攜手共進,令香港成為智慧用水城市。 我們鼓勵社會各界同心協力,為水資源的可持續發展作出正面 影響:由開展公眾教育活動和「惜水學堂」教育計劃推廣節 約用水;在校園培育「惜水大使」;提升地下水管測漏中心 「Q-Leak」智能水務管理的專業技能,與業界和教育機構合作, 推動持續專業發展;以至透過 ECH2O -「商約」惜水運動,為 工商機構提供協作平台;與本地和國際組織進行研發合作;加 強社區層面的溝通;與大灣區的同業進行可持續水務和創新方 面的交流;以及分享見解及解決方案,與海外其他領先水務行 業優勢互補。 我們欣然看到 ECH2O -「商約」惜水運動取得驕人成果,短短一 年間令用水量減少百分之五。我們連續兩年榮獲「全球最具創新 力知識型機構大獎」及「香港最具創新力知識型機構大獎」,我 們的表現備受獎項肯定及深受鼓舞。 藉此機會,我衷心感謝所有同事在過去一年緊守崗位,堅毅不屈 發揮專業精神,克服種種挑戰,提供卓越服務。我堅信,憑藉持續 創新及在本地和國際建立的合作關係,我們定能克服面前的各種 挑戰,令香港轉化成一個能夠智慧用水及擁有食水安全的城市。