WSD Annual Report 2022/23

為使節約用水的訊息更具吸引力,提高巿民的慳水意識,名人歐陽偉 豪博士(Ben Sir) 寓教於樂,設計一系列可應用於日常生活的節水小 貼士,並透過社交媒體、網站、刊物和戶外場地等不同媒介廣泛宣揚 這些節約用水小貼士。 「滴滴遊蹤深導行」自二零一九年開始舉辦,旨在讓公眾透過導賞團的形式,參觀水務 署轄下的水塘和濾水廠等不同水務設施,加深公眾對水資源的認識及鼓勵大家共同保護 水資源,好讓下一代繼續享有。 導賞團共設三個主題、共七個參觀點,讓參加者可以互動形式了解水務署的日常運作及 供水基礎設施錯綜複雜的動態,以及個人和團體需節約用水的原因。於二零二二/ 二三 年度,隨著二零一九年冠狀病毒病疫情轉趨穩定,社會逐漸回復正常運作,我們亦已全 面復辦「我們的水資源」及「水務文物徑」參觀活動。 To enhance the appeal of the water-saving messages and raise public awareness of water conservation, a suite of water-saving tips for different daily life applications using edutainment approach are designed and promoted by the popular celebrity Au Yeung Wai Hoo (Ben Sir). These watersaving tips are widely disseminated through different media covering social media, website, publications and outdoor spots. Established since 2019, the “Excursion with Water Save Dave" Visiting Programme aims to raise public knowledge about water resources and encourage their collective efforts in protecting our water resources for future generations via a guided tour of the WSD’s various waterworks facilities including reservoirs and water treatment works. Under the Programme which comprises three thematic topics with a total of seven visiting locations, participants could learn more through an interactive mode about the daily operations of the WSD, the complex dynamics of our water supply infrastructure, as well as the reason for conserving water both at individual and collective levels. With gradual resumption of normalcy in the society upon the stabilisation of COVID-19 epidemic situation, we had fully resumed the visiting programmes of “Our Water Resources and Nature” and “Waterworks Heritage Trails” in 2022/23. 抽水俠 Ben Sir 醒你慳水小貼士 Water Saving tips from Word Jacker (Ben Sir) 「滴滴遊蹤深導行」參觀活動 "Excursion with Water Save Dave" Visiting Programme 導賞主題: Guided tour themes: • 我們的水資源 Our Water Resources and Nature • 水務文物徑 Waterworks Heritage Trails • 船灣淡水湖Plover Cove Reservoir • 萬宜水庫 High Island Reservoir • 大潭水務文物徑 Tai Tam Waterworks Heritage Trail • 九龍水務文物徑Kowloon Waterworks Heritage Trail 參觀地點: Visiting locations: 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 98 Support 全 力 支 持