WSD Annual Report 2022/23

「氣候變化與水」 親子海報填色比賽 “Climate Change and Water” Parent-child Poster Colouring Competition 幼稚園組 Kindergartens 冠軍(幼稚園組) Champion (Kindergarten) 440 間幼稚園 kindergartens 402 間小學 primary schools 參與「惜水校園」教育計劃的學校數目: Number of schools participated in the Cherish Water Campus Integrated Education Programme: 教學資源豐富的電子學習平台 為了讓中學生加深對水資源及水資源保護的認識,我們亦為更 新後教材《知水 • 惜水》提供電子學習平台。這些內容,涵蓋 與水有關的科目、討論主題、STEAM 活動、圖像說明和照片, 務求平衡不同範疇的知識來促進學生對水資源保護、社會發展 和水資源可持續發展重要性的關注。 除了學校,我們亦鼓勵全民參與來 管理和減少用水與用水流失,並且 身體力行,教育年輕一代及其家人 (包括外籍家庭傭工)節約用水, 帶領智慧用水的生活方式。 為了在個別學習計劃下推動家庭和學校節約用水,我們亦建議 舉辦「校園用水考察」、「家庭用水考察」及主題比賽等多項活 動,讓學生和老師享受積極參與的樂趣。 To equip secondary school students with a better understanding of water resources and conservation, we have also provided an e-learning platform with enhanced teaching kit "Water: Learn & Conserve". These cover water-related subjects, discussion topics, STEAM activities, illustrative diagrams and photographs, aiming to foster a balanced consideration of water conservation, social development and the importance of water resource sustainability. Apart from schools, we encourage every citizen to manage and reduce water use and loss, and join our cause in educating the younger generation and their families (including foreign domestic helpers) in conserving water and leading a water-wise lifestyle. To promote application of water conservation at home and in schools under the IEP, we also suggested various activities such as School Water Audit, Home Water Audit as well as thematic competitions which enjoyed active participation from both students and teachers. E-learning Platform with Enhanced Teaching Resources 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 100 Support 全 力 支 持