WSD Annual Report 2022/23

為提升非住宅用戶的用水效益,水務署聯同環保促進會於二零 二二年一月合辦ECH2O -「商約」惜水運動,藉以尋求跨界別 對節約用水的支持和承諾。工商業等非住宅用水量約佔香港總 用水量的 45%。此運動為工商機構提供協作平台,當中涵蓋不 同類型活動,包括簽署惜水承諾、委任「惜水經理」、宣傳 教育(例如攤位、網絡研討會、工作坊和展覽)、改善設備, 以及嘉許計劃,務求促進非住宅減少用水量。 自活動開展以來,獲得商會和不同行業協會的積極參與。在為 期一年的活動中,共有 624 個工商機構簽署約章承諾珍惜用 水。所有參與處所於二零二二年的總用水量顯著減少達 5%, 相當於約 500 000 立方米或 200 個奧林匹克游泳池的容量。 為了協助機構制訂合適的用水效益指標,水務署為四類主要處所, 包括商場、工商業樓宇、酒店和餐廳,編制了營運活動數據和 相關用水量,以制定績效基準和規劃提升表現的措施。 In order to enhance water efficiency in the non-domestic sector, in collaboration with the Green Council, the WSD launched the “ECH2O - Enterprises Cherish Water Campaign” in January 2022 to seek multi-sectoral support and commitment in water conservation. The Campaign serves as a collaboration platform for commercial and industrial organisations to reduce non-domestic water use which accounts for approximately 45% of the total water consumption in Hong Kong. It covers different components which include the signing of charter, appointment of “Water Conservation Manager”, education and promotion activities (e.g. booths, webinars, workshops and exhibitions), equipment improvement; as well as an award recognition programme. Since its launch, the Campaign has received positive response from commerce chambers and industry associations. The one-year campaign has garnered the participation of 624 commercial and industrial organisations who have pledged to commit to cherishing water. All participating premises have achieved a significant reduction in overall water consumption in 2022 by 5%, or about 500 000 cubic metres, which is equivalent to 200 Olympic-size swimming pools. To help organisations develop appropriate water efficiency indicators, business activity data and associated water consumption across four major industries: shopping malls, industrial and commercial buildings, hotels and restaurants are compiled to facilitate performance benchmarking and action planning. 在二零二三年三月二十二日舉辦的「商約」惜水大獎頒獎典禮上,水務署署長邱國鼎衷心感謝各機構及其員工對 「商約」惜水運動的積極參與,並能夠在節約用水量方面取得顯著成效。 At the ECH2O Awards Ceremony held on 22 March 2023, the Director of Water Supplies, Mr Tony Yau expressed heartfelt gratitude to all the organisations and staff for their active participation in the ECH2O and remarkable achievements in reducing water consumption. 建立企業承諾協作平台 Building Collaboration Platform for Enterprise Commitment 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 101 Support 全 力 支 持