WSD Annual Report 2022/23

同心協心 推動行動 要推動精明運用水資源,以及應對與日俱增之水資源風險, 同心協力是當中的重要關鍵。在這一年裡,我們與不同團體建 立合作關係,支持不同社區活動,使節約和安全用水的訊息能 深入社會的每個角落。 FOSTERING SYNERGIES TO INSPIRE ACTION Concerted efforts and collaboration are critical drivers to inspiring the wise use of our water resources and addressing the growing water risks. During the year, we built partnerships and provided support in various community activities to widen our reach to all walks of life and amplify our messages on water conservation and safety. 前深水埗配水庫建於一九零四年,是當時九龍重力自流供水系 統的一部分,及後於一九七零年停用。該著名地標於二零二一 年獲評定為一級歷史建築。鑑於其文物價值重受公眾關注, 水務署已開展多項文物保育及提升服務措施,讓這座歷史悠久 的水庫活化作為展覽地點,有限度開放予公眾參觀及欣賞。 此為長期保育及翻新計劃完善前的臨時方案。 百年古蹟為公眾教育提供良好平台,藉以了解香港食水供應系 統的歷史發展,以及觀賞歷史建築的美學設計和內部結構。 自二零二一年十二月起,水務署已組織導賞團供公眾參觀, 同時亦徵集有關未來保育計劃的意見。由於導賞團反響熱烈, 自二零二二年十月起我們亦安排了自助導賞遊,以提供彈性, 讓更多訪客參觀。 Established as part of the Kowloon Waterworks Gravitation Scheme in 1904 and later decommissioned in 1970, the iconic Ex-Sham Shui Po Service Reservoir was accorded a Grade 1 historic building status in 2021. With the renewed interest in its heritage value, the WSD had commenced various restoration works and service enhancements to revitalise the historic service reservoir into an exhibition site for restricted public access and enjoyment - which is an interim solution before the long-term conservation and revitalisation plan is finalised. The century-old monument provides a good education platform to understand the history of the fresh water supply system in Hong Kong, and appreciate the aesthetic design and internal structures of the historic building. Since December 2021, the WSD has arranged guided tours for public appreciation, as well as to seek views on future conservation efforts in the long run. With an overwhelming response to the guided tour, since October 2022, we have organised self-guided tours to offer flexibility and cater for more visitors. 活化後的前深水埗配水庫內是羅馬建築風格的花崗岩支柱、紅磚拱券及 混凝土拱頂天花,讓訪客得以一窺百年間香港食水供應的歷史。 Featuring Roman architecture style granite piers, red brick arches and concrete cove ceilings, the revitalised Ex-Sham Shui Po Service Reservoir offers a precious glimpse of Hong Kong's water supply history over the past 100 years. 前深水埗配水庫參觀活動 Ex-Sham Shui Po Service Reservoir Visiting Programme 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 102 Support 全 力 支 持