WSD Annual Report 2022/23

二零一九冠狀病毒病疫情為香港帶來了前所未有的挑戰。為回應巿民和社會的 需要,政府力求推出多輪積極措施,協助受影響民眾抗疫。 水務署聯同其他政府部門調動人手及資源,務求盡快推行並完成多項抗疫行 動,確保對受影響居民的滋擾減至最低,並以盡早發現確診者為目標,實行及 早隔離和及早治療的安排。在二零二二年四月至十一月期間,水務署帶領五次 強制檢測公告執法行動及五次「受限區域強制檢測」行動,每次行動須動員 30 至 100 名人員。 The COVID-19 epidemic has brought exceptional challenges to Hong Kong. The Government strives to respond to the needs of the public and society and has launched many rounds of measures to assist the affected population in fighting the virus. In joint collaboration with other Government departments, the WSD has mobilised available manpower and resources for a number of anti-epidemic operations with a view to completing the operations as soon as possible, thereby minimising the disturbance on the affected residents and achieving the objective of early identification, early isolation and early treatment. From April to November 2022, the WSD has taken charge five enforcement actions on compulsory testing notice and five “Restriction-testing Declaration” operations deploying 30 to 100 members in each operation. 同心抗疫服務社區 JOINING ANTI-EPIDEMIC WORK TO SERVE THE COMMUNITY 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 108 Support 全 力 支 持