WSD Annual Report 2022/23

3D LED顯示屏幕牆- 滴惜仔講解海水淡化技術及智慧建造 3D LED Wall - Water Save Dave introducing desalination technology and smart construction 薄扶林水塘上空模擬飛行 Aerial virtual tour of the Pok Fu Lam Reservoir 2022國際水務協會 數碼供水高峰會 2022 從分配管網的先進管理到數碼客戶聯繫計劃均可看到數碼解決方案 及創新對可持續及具成本效益的水務管理至關重要。為探討全球水 務行業的最新數碼化成果並學習國際同業的最佳實務,我們參加了 二零二二年十一月二十九日至十二月二日於西班牙畢爾包舉辦的國 際水務協會 數碼供水高峰會 2022 (IWA Digital Water Summit 2022)。 是次全球峰會主題為「共同步上轉型之旅」(Join the Transformation Journey),關注水務解決方案。水務行業的領袖、決策者、領導研 究人員、技術提供商及營運商聚首一堂,探討及分享如何於水務行 業結合數碼轉型。 新加坡國際能源周 2022 新加坡國際能源周2022於二零二二年十月二十五至二十八日舉 行。是次全球會議由新加坡能源市場管理局舉辦,旨在分享有關能 源界的全球新趨勢、技術創新及領先實務的新知識,打造共建綠色 環境的重要轉型。活動嘉賓陣容強大,包括全球能源方面的政府領 袖及業界翹楚,分享有關主題「富應變力及可持續的能源未來」(A Resilient and Sustainable Energy Future) 的觀點。水務署代表分享有 關在水塘上建造大型浮動太陽能板發電系統的知識,及能源管理系 統的最新技術發展。 IWA Digital Water Summit 2022 From advanced management of the distribution network to digital customer engagement programmes, digital solutions and innovations are central to sustainable and cost-effective water management. To explore the latest innovations on the digitalisation for the global water sector and learn from the best practices of international counterparts, we attended the IWA Digital Water Summit 2022 taken place in in Bilbao, Spain from 29 November to 2 December 2022. Entitled “Join the Transformation Journey”, the Summit was a global event on water solutions that brought together thought leaders, decision makers, leading researchers, technology providers and operators in the water sector to discuss and share ideas on integrating digital transformation into the water industry. Singapore International Energy Week 2022 Singapore International Energy Week 2022 was held from 25 - 28 October 2022. It was a global conference organised by the Energy Market Authority of Singapore for sharing new insights into the global trends in the energy world, technological innovation and leading practices that shaped the major transformation into a greener environment. The event featured a strong line-up of global energy government leaders and industry captains who shared their perspectives on the theme "A Resilient and Sustainable Energy Future". Our representatives exchanged their knowledge on the implementation of large scale floating solar farm on impounding reservoirs and the latest technological developments in energy management system. 為展示水務署如何採用智慧建造方式打造安全、高效及創 新的未來水務設施資產,展覽設有一面 3D LED 顯示屏幕 牆 播放標誌性項目「設計、建造及運作將軍澳海水化淡廠 第一期」,該項目在水務資源開發、智慧建造管理、資訊 整合、工作場所安全、團隊合作及工地協調方面均屬典範。 To present WSD’s adoption of smart construction initiatives for delivering safe, efficient and innovative waterworks assets of the future, a 3D LED Wall was designed to feature the iconic “Design, Build and Operate First stage of Tseung Kwan O Desalination Plant” project - an exemplary showcase of transformative performance in water resource development, intelligent construction management, information integration, workplace safety, collaborative work and site coordination. 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 113 Support 全 力 支 持