WSD Annual Report 2022/23

WATER CHARGES Customers in Hong Kong pay less for high-quality fresh water than their counterparts in most major cities around the world. Water charges have not been revised since February 1995 (other than the charge for non-local vessels, which was last revised in July 1996). 水費 與世界其他主要城市相比,香港客戶為優質食水所繳付的費用 相對低廉。除了一九九六年七月修訂的非本地船隻用水收費 外,水費自一九九五年二月至今亦一直維持不變。 SCALE OF CHARGES Fresh water for domestic use (other than flushing) is charged by four-month periods, with rates set out in a four-tier system as follows: 收費幅度 住宅用戶的食水水費(沖廁用水除外)按以下四級制,以四個 月為期計算: 財務及水費 Finance and Water Charges 每單位(1立方米)收費 Charging rate per unit of one cubic metre 第一級 - 首12個單位 Tier 1 for the first 12 units 免費 Free 第二級 - 繼後的31個單位 Tier 2 for the next 31 units $4.16 (註一)(Note 1) 第三級 - 再繼後的19個單位 Tier 3 for the next 19 units $6.45 (註二)(Note 2) 第四級 - 餘下單位 Tier 4 for the remainder $9.05 (註三)(Note 3) Finance and Water Charges 財 務 及 水 費 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 114