WSD Annual Report 2022/23

自一九九八至九九年度起,水務經營帳目包括各項補貼收入後仍錄 得虧損,需依靠政府一般收入補助。二零二二至二三年度錄得虧損 24.1 億元,成本回收率為79.3%。政府會繼續定期檢討水費,審慎 考慮各項因素,包括承擔能力、水務設施的財政表現、當時的經濟 形勢,以及立法會議員的意見。 除水費外,《水務設施規例》(第102A章)亦列明25項法定收費 項目。我們一直遵照政府的「用者自付」原則檢討這些收費項目, 旨在悉數收回提供服務的成本。於二零一八至一九年度,25項法 定收費項目已作調整,修訂自二零一九年三月二十九日起生效。 Waterworks operations, after including revenue from various contributons, have seen deficits since 1998-99, and thus are subsidised by the Government’s General Revenue. In 2022-23, the deficit was $2,413.4M and the cost recovery rate was 79.3%. The Government continues to review the water tariff periodically, taking into consideration a number of factors, including affordability, financial performance of waterworks operations, the prevailing economic situation, and the views of Legislative Council members. Other than water charges, there are 25 statutory fee items stipulated in the Waterworks Regulations (Cap. 102A). The WSD periodically review these fee items in accordance with the Government-wide "user pays" principle, which aims to recover the full cost of providing services. During the year 2018-19, 25 statutory fee items have been revised effective from 29 March 2019. 用戶類別 Sector 財政年度(百萬元) Financial Year ($million) 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 22/23 % (22/23) 商業 Trade 974 727(905) 277(828) 298(890) 301(904) 13.2(30.8) 住宅 Domestic 1,556 1,643(1,643) 1,867(1,867) 1,768(1,768) 1,678(1,678) 73.6(57.2) 政府 Government 164 172(172) 148(148) 162(162) 170(170) 7.4(5.8) 其他# Others# 187 165(182) 125(177) 128(180) 132(182) 5.8(6.2) 總收入 Total 2,881 2,707(2,902) 2,417(3,020) 2,356(3,000) 2,281(2,934) 100.0(100.0) # 包括沖廁用淡水 # Includes fresh water for flushing 括號內數字為實際水費收入加上水費寬減額。 Figures in brackets are actual water charges received plus concession. 水費收入總覽 於二零二二至二三年度,約16%住宅用戶毋須支付任何水費;40% 達到第二級水費,需繳付每單位4.16元水費;19%需繳付第三級水 費,即每單位6.45元;餘下25%需繳付第四級水費,即每單位9.05 元的水費。於二零二二至二三年度,290萬住宅用戶(包括無須繳付 水費之用戶)的每月平均水費為49元。根據政府統計處的住戶開支 統計調查,水費及排污費開支約相等於住戶每月平均開支的0.3%。 PROFILES OF THE REVENUE FROM WATER CHARGES During this financial year, about 16% of domestic customers were not required to pay water charges, 40% paid up to the tier 2 rate of $4.16 per unit, 19% paid up to the tier 3 rate of $6.45 per unit, and 25% paid up to the tier 4 rate of $9.05 per unit. For the WSD's 2.9 million domestic customers, the average water charge in 2022-23, including those not required to pay any charge, was $49 per month. According to the Census & Statistics Department household expenditure survey, the water and sewage charges amount to about 0.3% of the average monthly household expenditure. 水費收入(按用戶類別劃分) 過去五年按用戶類別劃分的水費收入分析如下: WATER CHARGES (BY SECTOR) An analysis of the water charges by sector over the past five years is outlined as follows: Finance and Water Charges 財 務 及 水 費 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 116