WSD Annual Report 2022/23

即使面對社會逐漸演變的用水需要和氣候變化加劇帶來 的挑戰,水務署多年來一直堅守使命,為香港提供優質 可靠的供水服務。從過去到現在,我們一直致力將香港 打造成為智慧用水城市。我們促進完善的水務管理及技 術發展,把握每個機會推陳出新,提升水資源應變力及 支持本地及海外的水務行業,從而改善市民未來的福 祉、供水保障和客戶服務。 Over the years, the WSD has steadfastly upheld its mission to provide reliable and quality water services in Hong Kong amidst the challenges of evolving society’s needs and accelerating impacts of climate change. From the past to the present, we are committed to building Hong Kong into a water-smart city. Through fostering robust water governance and technological prowess, we have capitalised every opportunity in sustaining water innovations, scaling up resilience and supporting the water sector in Hong Kong and abroad for enhancing future livelihoods, water security and customer services. 1 邱工程師自二零二三年一月四日起出任水務署署長。 2 馬先生自二零二二年十一月十四日起出任助理署長╱財務。 1 Ir YAU was appointed Director of Water Supplies on 4 January 2023. 2 Mr MA was appointed Assistant Director/Finance on 14 November 2022. 彭愛玲工程師 Ir PANG Oi-ling, Irene 助理署長/ 設計及建設 Assistant Director/New Works 曹炳豪工程師 Ir CHO Ping ho 助理署長/ 機械及電機 Assistant Director / Mechanical & Electrical 馬靝珤先生2 Mr MA Tin-po, Martin2 助理署長/ 財務 Assistant Director/ Finance 邱國鼎工程師, 太平紳士1 Ir YAU Kwok-ting, Tony, JP1 水務署署長 Director of Water Supplies 周世威工程師, 太平紳士 Ir CHAU Sai-wai, JP 水務署副署長 Deputy Director of Water Supplies 勞淑儀女士 Ms LO Shuk-yi 部門秘書 Departmental Secretary 鍾永基工程師 Ir CHUNG Wing-kee, Philip 助理署長/ 市區 Assistant Director/Urban 馬漢榮工程師 Ir MA Hon-wing, Wilson 助理署長/ 發展 Assistant Director/ Development 尤孝賢工程師 Ir YAU Hau-yin 助理署長/ 新界 Assistant Director/ New Territories 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 13 Our Profile 關 於 我 們