WSD Annual Report 2022/23

節約用水 推廣高效和精明用水,有助保障長遠供水。其成功的關鍵在於 業界和社會大眾的共同努力和貢獻。有見及此,我們與相關持 份者緊密合作,推出多項用水效益措施、宣傳活動、學校教育 計劃,以及用水效益最佳實務指引,致力推動文化和行為的改 變,共同應對水資源的挑戰。 Water Conservation Promoting efficient and smart use of water helps secure our water supply for the long term. The success of such lies in the collaborative efforts and contributions from both industries and the wider community. With this in mind, we are working closely with relevant stakeholders and have launched various waterefficiency measures, promotional campaigns, school education programmes, as well as best practice guidelines aiming to inspire cultural and behaviour changes to address our water challenges together. 透過水知園教育中心增強節約用水的意識 為提高公眾人士對節約用水的認識並促進有關行動,位於天水 圍辦公大樓的水知園教育中心就全球水資源議題舉辦展覽。當 中設有五十多個展品、互動遊戲和現場示範,開放予公眾免費 入場參與。這些與水有關的教育資源,與學校課程和教育活動 扣連,讓參觀人士可寓習於樂,在愉快的學習環境中增進有關 水的知識,並激發他們身體力行,響應行動,共同應對水資源 短缺問題。截至二零二三年三月,「水知園」已接待約 83 000 名訪客。公眾可以預約參觀或在網上參加虛擬展覽,以獲取這 些與水相關的教育資源。 Raising Conservation Awareness through H2OPE Centre To promote community-wide awareness and action on water conservation, the H2OPE Centre at our Tin Shui Wai Office Building holds exhibitions regarding global issues on water resources, and features over 50 exhibits, interactive games and live demonstrations which are made available for free admission. These water education resources are linked to school curriculums and educational activities while providing visitors with an enjoyable learning environment for raising their water knowledge and inspiring concerted actions against water scarcity. As of March 2023, H2OPE Centre has received about 83 000 visitors. Members of the general public can book the visit or arrange a virtual tour for access to these water education resources. 水知園為公眾教育中心,旨在提高公眾對節約用 水的認識。當中設有五十多個展品、互動遊戲和 現場示範,供學校和公眾人士免費入場參與。 The H2OPE Centre is a public education centre aimed at enhancing knowledge of water conservation. It features over 50 exhibits, interactive games and live demonstrations which are made available to schools and members of the general public for free admission. 水務署 二零二二至二三年年報 WSD Annual Report 2022/23 24 Scale up 升 級 開 拓